Monday, May 31, 2010
years of making people happy on etsy. i probably haven't made much of a profit, but i've had the time of my life playing curator. these are only 20 of my 600 plus sales. so, if i can do it, you can do it. and the greatest reward is not having to ork for "the system", be self-employed and using my time for the thing that are truly worth living for. quality versus quantity.
Creative Work
etsy sales,
i love etsy,
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Creative Work
Altered Art,
altered fabric,
fabric collage,
vintage inspired,
Vintage Inspired Fabric
yesterday we celebrated a birthday. mariluz turned 60. mariluz, my best friend paty's big sister. it seems like yesterday when we would get together in the big old victorian house with the creaky staircase and the black and white tiled bathroom, where don federico, your father, would dashingly appear with a silk handkercheif around the collar. i still remember when you married eduardo and had eduardito and andres and drove a red camaro about town. i still remember when you moved to spain, came back and things went wrong. and how you picked yourself up, began anew and had little marilucita. all are grown up now, all with their solid lives and you as beautiful as ever!

Saturday, May 29, 2010
since it's raining again in santiago i find repose in color drifting away into what is happening outside the boundaries of my window. i invite you in on this journey after which you are all welcome for tea and scones as we sit around a firelit hearth each with our crafts in hand.
i have now wandered off ,inspired by one of the books i mentioned the other day, embroidering small white on red sqaures to applique onto a linen dishtowel which will become a kitchen curtain to be sold on etsy.
cathy cullis
Friday, May 28, 2010
well, i have to admit my imaginaton is very limited compared to these stunning artists. i dare say you will eat your hearts out once you look through this photo montage, as i did. it feels like i've just walked up into my great grandmother's attic and discovered
her personal treasure chest.

Creative Work
Linen Dresses,
Love of Vintage
Thursday, May 27, 2010
hoy me he encontrado con dos libros que quiero compartir con ustedes ya que todo, absolutamente todo, en ellos es como para copiarlo. ambos son en frances pero llenos de patrones faciles de seguir. por favor detenganse a mirar las maravillas que se pueden hacer con lino y unos cuantos hilos de bordar.

Creative Work
craf books,
esprit de famille,
french decor,
linen decor,
rd and white
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Que Tiempos Aquellos
Hoy me he acordado de una de mis canciones favoritas, es para llorar de alegria, pena, alegria
en aquel cajon esta tu foto ... llenandose ... de tierra ....
hace tanto que no la veo , como a vos ... como a vos ....
te acordas de tiempos aquellos ... que tiempos aquellos , donde todo era un buen motivo .
pára decir ... te quiero ..
que le habra pasado a la vida , que sin quererlo , ya ni me acuerdo ,
cuando con mi viejo iba a la cancha .. a ver aquel atletico ..
te acordas del flaco espinetta .. cuando cantaba , todas las hojas son del viento .
ahi toda nuestra filosofia , era solo sed de rockero .
pero como han cambiado los tiempos , todos luchan , por mantener sus puestos .
hay muchos que ahora son ingenieros , pero que
pocos ... quedaron de aquellos .
pero yo aun sigo cantando , y lo voy a seguir haciendo .
una leccion me dio la vida , tenés que hacer , lo que el corazon diga ...
y ayer quizas pensando en tu foto , por la calle , te encontre andando ...
que poco ha cambiado nuestra onda ... solo cambiaron , un poco nuestros cuerpos ...
espero que el tiempo ahora no borre .. a esta gente que tanto amo ...
por que sin ellos no valgo nada ...
su alma es , mi alimento ...."
Spanish to English
in that drawer is your photograph ... gathering ... dust ....
it's been so long since i've seen it, like you ... like you ....
do you remember those times ... Those were the days where everything was a good reason.
to say ... I love you ..
i wonder what happened to life, unwittingly, that I don't even remember,
like when my old man went to the stadium .. to see that athletic ..
do you remember Skinny Espinetta .. when he sang, all the leaves are the wind?
there lay our entire philosophy, it was just a thirst for rock.
but times have changed, all strive, to keep their jobs.
there are many who are engineers, but
few ... are left of those.
but I'm still singing, and I will continue doing so.
one lesson from life i've learned, you have to do what the heart says ...
and yesterday thinking maybe of your photograph, on the street, I found you walking ...
how little has changed "our thing" ... only our bodies have changed a little ...
I hope now that time never erases .. these people I love so much ...
because without them I am worthless ...
their souls are, my food ....
Oh my God, how true true true and those are MY PEOPLE too!
en aquel cajon esta tu foto ... llenandose ... de tierra ....
hace tanto que no la veo , como a vos ... como a vos ....
te acordas de tiempos aquellos ... que tiempos aquellos , donde todo era un buen motivo .
pára decir ... te quiero ..
que le habra pasado a la vida , que sin quererlo , ya ni me acuerdo ,
cuando con mi viejo iba a la cancha .. a ver aquel atletico ..
te acordas del flaco espinetta .. cuando cantaba , todas las hojas son del viento .
ahi toda nuestra filosofia , era solo sed de rockero .
pero como han cambiado los tiempos , todos luchan , por mantener sus puestos .
hay muchos que ahora son ingenieros , pero que
pocos ... quedaron de aquellos .
pero yo aun sigo cantando , y lo voy a seguir haciendo .
una leccion me dio la vida , tenés que hacer , lo que el corazon diga ...
y ayer quizas pensando en tu foto , por la calle , te encontre andando ...
que poco ha cambiado nuestra onda ... solo cambiaron , un poco nuestros cuerpos ...
espero que el tiempo ahora no borre .. a esta gente que tanto amo ...
por que sin ellos no valgo nada ...
su alma es , mi alimento ...."
Spanish to English
in that drawer is your photograph ... gathering ... dust ....
it's been so long since i've seen it, like you ... like you ....
do you remember those times ... Those were the days where everything was a good reason.
to say ... I love you ..
i wonder what happened to life, unwittingly, that I don't even remember,
like when my old man went to the stadium .. to see that athletic ..
do you remember Skinny Espinetta .. when he sang, all the leaves are the wind?
there lay our entire philosophy, it was just a thirst for rock.
but times have changed, all strive, to keep their jobs.
there are many who are engineers, but
few ... are left of those.
but I'm still singing, and I will continue doing so.
one lesson from life i've learned, you have to do what the heart says ...
and yesterday thinking maybe of your photograph, on the street, I found you walking ...
how little has changed "our thing" ... only our bodies have changed a little ...
I hope now that time never erases .. these people I love so much ...
because without them I am worthless ...
their souls are, my food ....
Oh my God, how true true true and those are MY PEOPLE too!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A PROPOSITO DE TIENDAS, AL FIN CON TIEMPO Y ENERGIA PARA PONER ALGUNAS COSILLAS EN MI TIENDITA VIRTUAL PARA LA VENTA. URGETEANDO ENTRE LAS COSAS QUE HEREDE DE MI MAMI Y TAMBIEN CACHUREANDO POR SANTIAGO ME HE ENCONTRADO CON MUCHISIMAS COSAS ENTRETES PARA LA VENTA. EN ESTO ME TENDRE QUE MANTENER ENTRETENIDA POR UNAS SEMANAS MAS YA QUE AL PARECER SE VENDIO EL DEPARTAMENTO Y HAY QUE ESPERAR PAPELEOS. Ya me he visto todas las peliculas y documentalesn habidos y por haber en Film & Arts, leido tres libros, cocinado mas manzanas al jugo de las que puedo comer y molestado a mis amigas hasta sentirme culpable asi es que a inventar dias enteros solita. Por suerte me queda todo cerca, y me sobra imaginacion lo que me hace pensar me voy al parque arauco a costuritas. ay mejor no.
Creative Work
antique collecting,
victorian child,
vintage decor,
virtual store
secreta inspiracion como me gusta encontrar cosas nuevas. hoy, tras un comentario en mi blog, encontre esta divinas pantuflas bordadas a mano por raquel en uruguay/argentina porque parece que vive en la frontera.
de paso tambien les cuento que ayer, en busca de hilos y algodones para tejer, me fui a Lo Castillo y me encontre con la tiendita de manuela antunez y paula nino de zepeda a quienes conoci hace unos meses en un te. abrieron hace poco su tienda y sali con mi bolsa a lunares con un cojin de manuela. que les parece?
de paso tambien les cuento que ayer, en busca de hilos y algodones para tejer, me fui a Lo Castillo y me encontre con la tiendita de manuela antunez y paula nino de zepeda a quienes conoci hace unos meses en un te. abrieron hace poco su tienda y sali con mi bolsa a lunares con un cojin de manuela. que les parece?
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