Friday, February 29, 2008

A hundred lists but ART remains Number 1

Abstract ACEO
Originally uploaded by peregrine blue
Still in a creative frenzy. I think it's becasue I will be away for over a month and away from my art studio and supplies. I worry although I know I will be picking up Menus and all sorts of found objects wherever I go and at least journaling on a daily basis.

So I've getting to bed past midnight, sitting up in my jammies with my bed and nightstand serving as art table, watching old movies or documentaries.

Amazing what movies come up we had forgotten all about. The other night I saw The Mirror has two faces with Jeff Bridges and BArbara Streisand and I loved it so much I want to get it for whenever I feel sad. It has such a beautiful message and they are both great in it.

Friday, February 22, 2008

hello little 1-

hello little 1-
Originally uploaded by oldflowers4me
This has to be my all time favorite person on Flickr. Her name is Jo Anderson and she's from Australia. She has a world all her own, collects all sorts of tea cups and dolls and fru fru stuff which she decorates her house with. Her garden is to die for which she tends to herself. Oh, and she makes Fairy Cakes for the dollies too. I LOVE THIS WOMAN.

On a Roll

I have had so much fun working with the new techniques I discovered through a tutorial on UTube on how to make handmade visual journals. At last, I can layer my papers and paints and give the surface depth and make them a lot more mysterious. However long they take to make, I feel the technique takes me in directions into my inner self and the page sort of cahnges and changes until I feel it is at it's best. I think this is more of an artistic exploration, a free painting like free writing, an avenue into the subconscious. I love to see the colors and textures that emanate from the paper.

Finding the right pens to write with has been hard since most of them smear when gel is applied, so need to do some further reading on that.
A whole new world is opening up to me.

Every person is a miracle

Friday Flickr Faves
Originally uploaded by peregrine blue
Every person is a miracle. Just look at these creations. Can we ever doubt that God had beautiful intentions for us? These are the people who have their antennas tuned in and have made the best of that gift. Artists of the world. I salute you.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sunday's Swapmeet Treasures

Off we went to the Swapmeet again on Sunday. The best day at the Ventura Swapmeet is Sunday becasue all the good stuff, oldies, vintage, antiques are there. We got up really early and drove up sleepy-eyed and came home loaded with tons of treasures. We then sat under the canvas tented area and ate homemade Pozole and corn tortillas, delicious. A miracle we survived 'till after noon since we had slumber-partied together the night before and chit chatted 'till way past 1 a.m. Yet, it's not often I get to have here; she lives a good hour away and works really hard all week at her jean alteration business in Sherman Oaks (Dr. Blue Jeans).
Back home we sorted through all of it and got to work photographing for sale on etsy under the vintage section. All this in my continuing endeavor to save for my upcoming trip to Chile in March. I am so excited. I haven't been back in 9 years and all my friends have already planned a million things for me, including an invitation to a wedding.

Guess what I got in the Mail today?

I am awe struck, dumbfounded, eccstatic, jumping for joy and weeping at the same time with Jodi's gift to me. My package arrived suddenly and surprisingly this morning with a knock on the door. It was a heavy box and huge. I fumbled desperately to get it open since I knew it was Jodi's handmade journal just for ME. But I was never expecting so much dedication; it is a work of art.

I just sat there staring at it, nodding my head in disbelief. She had worked each and every page with the utmost care and tenderness, thinking of what I like, what I cherish most in life. I still cannot believe it. It will remain a cherished treasure for me to look at over and over again, write in, add my poems and trip photos.

I FEEL SO LOVED! These are the cherished moments in Life that we never forget.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Originally uploaded by emberlexi
Discovered this great journal artist on Flickr and had to share one of her pages. So simple yet so bold. Her name is emberlexi.

Flickr is now the equivalent of my trips to the Library to browse art books or my escapade to the bookstore to look at all the art magazines. On cold rainy days, I just make myself a cup of coffee and look through all the inspiring work and get an adreline rush which takes me right back to the Art Studio. Love it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I've been tagged

I guess there are still some un-answered questions about me so have been challenged to reveal certain idio(t)syncracies, in other words I've been tagged by Dianne . Since I am not quite equipped yet to write my autobiography (no there are no Playboy centerfold photos) and since I do have my own-kind-of-stories, here are a few candid confessions:

  • If I were to be born again, I would like to be an Orchestra Conductor.

  • I'm a little afraid of people. I think it is because some can be so cruel and selfish. I protect myself by having few but true friends.

  • When I was a little girl I wanted to have 9 children, 4 boys and 5 girls. I even did a family tree in my diary with all the names. Not one of my children have those names and I never could have handled more than three which is what I had.

  • Deadly Sin: I smoke like a chimney

  • Turn On: Passion

  • Turn Off: People who try to pretend who and what they're NOT. If they only knew the truth is written all over their faces.

  • I had a forbidden love once. The experience marked my life forever.

  • I tend to be a loner, spending a lot of time with me,myself and I because I have infinite interests and can't stand wasting time on bla bla bla; I prefer to act.

  • I kind of live in slow motion. All the energy is on the inside. People say I instill peace and serenity when I am around them which surprises me becasue on the inside I always feel like a volcano ready to errupt.

  • I have bunions, Aghh....

  • I have a crazy streak...I tap dance on railway station platforms, wear fresh flowers in my hair in Spring, go to the post office with my hands full of paint so everyone will see, take up impossible causes, protect the underdog and still send telegrams to people I love.

  • If I were immensely rich, I would drop everything to go and help those in need in third world countries. I secretly envy philanthopists although I do my share in small ways whenever I can.

  • Outsider, non-conformist and anti-establishment to the bone for all the right reasons, I hope.

  • Always live on the edge, literally.

  • If I go to heaven I would like to befriend Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) above all the people I have known, read or heard about.

Now I tag....Cathy Cullins (November Moon), Marcela Urrutia (Green Okama), Noel (Me Noel), and Bernice Wagnitz.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Looking through drawers I found....

Encontre esta poesia que escribi hace mas de diez anos fondeado en un cajon,


Paramo de encuentros fugaces,
de frases para el bronce,
de preguntas inciertas,
contigo no pude calzar en la sincronia perfecta

no nos escucho el que esta en el cielo,
estaba en otra parte mas urgente:
en el aqui y ahora,
no en el futuro perfecto

por consecuencia nos regalo
el diario vivir y el morir a diario

por miedo a que?
...a que se quemara el pan a la puerta del horno?
a que cruzaras el umbral conmigo a cuestas,
que se repitieran ilusiones muertas
y la aparicion de otras por abortar?
o la marchitacion de mi dulzura
por lo de las puntadas sin hilo

y en su lugar
me regalo
la cabeza equilibrada
subyugando al corazon
tras eternas conversaciones sobre
templanza, prudencia y ......
tres elementos ausentes a los que hubo de buscarse
en el diccionario de la conciencia

tu has sido
puro inconsciente
libre no
de pecado

hoy cortaron la luz
y no estuviste para alumbrarme
el camino entre el horror y la causa
no estuviste ahi
en el pasillo del laberinto
para guiarme en la ceguera temporal

estabas lejos, recostado
entre la paja
de un dia sabado extremadamente familiar

Constanza en esos dias de nostalgiA

Tratare de pulirla.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Turquoise, Mixed Media Collage Journal Page

With my upcoming trip to Chile in March, I thought it would be great to take a journal with me. So I set out to buy one of thos black paper notebooks and began my first page yesterday. I began by taking my favorite colour and collaging in a stream of consciousness fashion. Doodling also on some pages which has led me to find old photographs of Primrose Hill
where I grew up in England to use as a center point.
Black and white doddle drawings in the journal.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Wall of Fame

Neruda y Siqueiros Gonzalo Rojas
Rosalyn and Jimmy Carter Plant My secret dream
Claudio Veliz Desmond Tutu
Branson Mi Papa
Gandhi Octavio Paz
Just a few of my all time favorite people.