Saturday, March 10, 2012

i am mad with joy

spring is here {almost}. and as lara(in dr. zhivago) would say with that inflextion in her voice: "i am mad with joy!"
 you will find me outside
 under the eaves
 feeding the birds
 honouring nature's bounty
 after the dormant months
 even my dabbles in creativity center around nature

 for example, this altered peat container
filled with spring-related watercolor tags and seeds
yes, "i am mad with joy".


PCovi said...

Oh I see...your garden will be prettier than mine because you are planning ahead!

decomarce said...

Hola Connie!
Tu trabajo de: altered peat container
me en- can-tó!
Si estuvieras cerca...

ale said...

qué lindoooo!!!...ya se respira la primavera por alli!!!! con tanta belleza e inspiración !!!!qué disfrute!!!!! besos connie querida y mi corazon volando hasta allí!!!!

KathyB. said...

Even your dabbles are objects of beauty. "I am mad with joy", I love that phrase and think I will steal it when the occasion arises.

We are still having snow, cold rain, and wind storms, but every so often the sunshine blesses us with an appearance and I know when the sun is here for longer periods of time I will be outside creating gardens to replace what was destroyed during our ice storms. I will use your pictures and this phrase for inspiration. Thank-you!

jenclair said...

Wonderful photos! And I love the quote from Lara...