Wednesday, August 15, 2007


The past few days have brought surprise after surprise after surprise regarding friendship and being kind, gentle and aware of the needs and reasons of "others". Case in point-Dianne (please see favorite links), someone I have never met nor whose face I have ever seen, unselfishly helped me tune up my blog since I am so backwards when it comes to the more scientific side of my brain. I just keep going over the motions she took and I just can't believe there are such beautiful strangers out there. Coincidentally went to see My Best Friend (French Movie) and reaffirmed the importance of those tender mercies. Dianne, what a spirit you have.


chad-roscoe said...

that's both lovely and sweet! thanks so much!
happy to help any-old-time.

oldflowers4me said...

hello dear 1- such nice words to a friend.. singing and skipping love jo