Monday, February 1, 2016

the potting shed and a birthday

philosophical thought as i turned sixty
in january we lost many greats and i could not help but embroider a little tribute to alan rickman.
and i finally closed the chapter in mexico
crossing the border three times to haul my belongings back to california. it was a revealing seven months. i grew just that little more.
and now i am home. the best journey always takes us home. 

even though i feel i'm suffering from burn out (there is so much a heart and soul can take without consequences), the responsibiity to keep things relatively together and functional remain. so i am finally half settled in the new house. kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and living room are all pretty much set up,

 so now onto a little bit of fun to see if i still have in me to take the trouble to write another chapter in my story with zest and gusto. and it all centers on the potting shed, one of my favorite bonuses of the house together with the front entrance lampost, the bird bath and the fireplace ofcourse. 
i love potting sheds. probably as much as art studios. and i love everything that goes in them and without: straw hats and watering cans, wellies, aprons and pockets for pinking shears and spades, buckets and seed packages, terra cotta pots and fresh smelling soil as well as gardening books and magazines, and wicker baskets for pickings. 
in between, i turned 60! yikes ! and got a surprise from tatiana who had bought tickets to the LA ART SHOW. 
and company arrived the following day: full house .it was a blast. jon and claire came from san francisco and most of my closest friends came as well as family. we set up the firepit, sat in a circle, sang songs to the guitar and lit candles for wishes come true. 

i danced in my pretty green flouncy dress

and now onto some creativity
it's about time


Rhonda said...

How fun! Happy Belated Birthday, I'm almost that age...yikes is right!!
I agree on the potting shed love...I want one so badly.

4laureleaf said...

I've been following your IG but came to see your blog while away on Kauai....and deeply enjoying reading about your life much your words move me and help us all understand our own lives a little bit more. So grateful to you for expressing it all in creative acts in art and in your ongoing process of living. You're a gem❣

audrey said...

How beautiful you are. It is no wonder beautiful thoughts come out of your head and beautiful art comes from your hands. I am happy for you that you are back "home". xo