Wednesday, June 9, 2010


ECHO challenges us to refine our digital photography skills by giving us a word to go by.  this week the challenge is "rouge" which immediately took me home to california where i am missing out on the strawberry season. as a matter of fact camarillo, california a japanese family grows THE BEST stawberries. i remember only last year making special trips after lunch to pick up a few baskets to make strawberry shortcake dribbled in cream, fresh, real cream.

although i don't participate weekly, every once in a while the title of the challenge captures me and i just go for it.  i think this is the fourth time i participate. i am lucky to have this little netbook along with me and although precarious i was able to download photoscape, an easy photo manipulation program, much easier than photoshop for the time being, so i could spell the word srawberry in digital color. that's the first thing that came to mind with rouge.

thnk you susan & chrysti for your unending art spirits

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