february is over, my favorite month. march will bring us spring and Mamma's English Garden challenge. i brought out my sewing machine last night and was once again frustrated at not even being able to thread it right. i have never been good with machines. so came up with a brilliant idea=to put an ad on craigslist for a few private sewing lessons. i so want to learn how to make those mixed media fabric and paper collages that saray does so well (see list of links).
things are very strange in america right now, sort of in limbo awaiting that CHANGE. things are changing surely, but into what is the big enigma. i have started to write down what i observe and what i think in a paper journal as i read 'this land is their land" a humourous book a la Michael Moore about the illness that affects our core values. ron paul still doing his best with his "campaign for liberty".
picking up every book off the bookshelf that i haven't read yet before i order more as in the Dylan Thomas Biography which has turned out to be a real page turner.speaking of strange, i ran into this artist on etsy who sums up the insanity perfectly