it's been almost a month now. a month without him, a month re inventing myself, days filled with getting aquainted with my new environs, new neighbors, new everything. well, almost.
tigo is here
a short two week visit while claire is in north carolina. soon, the brother and sister in law will visit, bernardita too and then hopefully tatiana. in the meantime, reaching out to the community on facebook and instagram.the place is quite breathtaking
and the weather ideal for a free spirit like me who loves to walk barefoot and scantily clad.
i have begun to put the tuny house together, in layers, upstairs, downstairs and a little on the rooftop terrace.
there is a prevalence of aqua and light blues; mexicans love color.
so i have tried to decorate around those colors
the mint green being a little trickier in the living room/dining room.
but i am one of those birds that must build a nest before i even begin. the lighting has to be right, the litchen inviting, the bathrooms spotless.
and i must have flowers. i've even thought of adopting a couple if budgies. i remember when in oaxaca how lovely jane's casa was with the bird cages; a couple of parrots and different colored budgies. they kind of fit here too.
and then there's all that inspiration
cobblestone streets and restaurants at pueblo plaza to really get you going
but to be honest, most of my time has been spent outdoors, mostly on the beach
and discovering all the bays and beaches down the pacific coast
endless beauty in such a culture driven country
where hope springs eternal
i've even begun to apply the dress code as with this rebozo i improvised from a scarf i brought with me
this guy making me laugh hysterically
he's loving it soooooo much, my little beach bum
relishing the seafood bonanza
thankful, with an open heart even though my legs are still wobbly
and to think so many more adventures await
as with this poetry summit coming up in 2026 where indigenous poets from all over the world will converge to honor our endangered planet
imagine that for starters