Monday, February 28, 2011

I Blog therefore I am, Part 2

my picture window to the world today

backgrounds by brenda starr and ruby blossom on flickr who, by the way, are another window altogether

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Creative Bliss or Here Comes the SUN

"Hope is a Good Supper that makes a Good Breakfast" from the film Tom Jones

what did your hands make today?

featured in my etsy shop of handmades

Friday, February 25, 2011

Nostalgic Nostalgia

jude mcconkey background

photo taken by my daughter's friend dominga castagnoli

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Items in My Etsy Shop

made these last night while watching an oldie before falling asleep

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Don't scrub the soul out of your house."

inspired by posy, i put together a little kitchen corner today as the rains threaten once more to bring us all inside for tea and crumpets

i so love real houses, not those pictured in magazines
too perfect and unlived in, a house has to look lived in
and that's why posy's blog is so appealing, please take a peek.

so off i go to the the little red house
to share

Monday, February 21, 2011


the holiday found me eating my words and bringing out the paints
alita, esto lo hice inspirada en tus hortensias
(ale, i painted this inspired by your hydrangeas)
 this blogging affair can be very addicting and, yes, i spend a few hours a day either composing or checking in with all the blogs i follow or discover anew. yet today i managed to take care of home and family, managed my online shop, ran to the post-office and trader joe's, stopped by the fabric store, visited my friend up the hill, cooked dinner with my daughter and friend up the hill, translated a friend's curriculum vitae into english, so i ergo on many different plains. it's just that i don't like to be idle and i am very blessed to be self employed after many years of re-inventing myself in order to withdraw from "the corporate world". 

listen closely, truth is quiet
and in that silence i listened to your requests to make a little something
from a distance i could hear the echo of
Life is a banquet, so why are most people starving?

Sunday, February 20, 2011

at last order: a place for everything and everything in its place. a miracle of by room, i have cleaned and polished, dusted and closeted, sorted and discarded. so everything is back to normal now and we can start the new.  chile and argentina are becoming a memory and back in the US, small beginnings hint of great things.  settling back takes time and mental clarity.  and with a trip changes always occur, a newfound purpose stirs the conscience, a new passion (in my case a love affair with my camera), new challenges. especially with my relationships-to my people and with my things. 

in times when life comes at you fast, it is easy to become overwhelmed with too much sensory information so i discipline myself after short meditations to sift carefully, let things silt. 

people keep asking me to create, they beg me to create. i haven't really sewn or painted much since september of last year, but what happens is that i look at the stacks and stacks of  art materials and i just refuse to disturb the order.  art is messy and right now i need order.  so i opt for roadtrips in the rain (yesterday we drove into santa paula and the ojai valley), long conversations with my daughter, a night of dancing with richard, reading my magazines and discovering new blogs.  for now this suits me just fine.  i lived a year in a whirlwind of sensation and now is a time for peace and softer sensations.

i call it processing. 

it's so good to be home and to find everything so balanced

Saturday, February 19, 2011

air canada

when i returned from my travels and travails throughout chile and argentina, a package was awaiting from canada, a bundle of pure joy i had won on a blog giveaway at the grower's daughter, a blog i have been following regularly for about a year now.  i never win anything at roulette, bingo or 21, never won a dime at the slot machines, never a single raffle but boy did i win BIG when i signed up for this one.  thank you so much maria for such a generous bundle.  i must now find little corners around the house to display the pillow and bag and use the ephemera and fabric to incorporate into one of my future fabrications.  much love.

Friday, February 18, 2011

it never rains in california?

ay, esto del tiempo....mientras mas vieja uno se pone, mas aprecia uno la vida, mas quiere uno hacer cosas, mas quiere uno descubrir y plasmar.  pero ironicamente, caigo a la cama justo cuando llego llena de energia y con pilas puestas.  cuatro miserables dias encamada con fiebre y tos.  siempre me agarro algo en los aviones, mi sistema immune muy sensible como todo lo demas en mi supongo. gracias a dios me habia traido de chile un guaterito y con eso mantuve calientitos los pies.

afuera llueve o amenza con llover los mismos cuatro dias.  por ahi me tuve que levantar a comprar el litro de leche, pancito y los infaltables puchos y me di una vuelta rapida por Michael's donde agarre una buena revista y otro ovillo de algodon para entretenerme. como si ya no tuviera una tonelada en el closet de las manualidades (nunca encuentro el tono que busco o invento la excusa para no encontrarlo).

teji una funda colorinche, como diria la chichi, para un piso de cocina que tengo apilado. me esta encantando lo colorinche.  sera por lo oscuro del cielo que uno se inventa un mundo de color.....o es que ademas de mi lado ingles, amante de lo romantico, tambien me gusta lo funky.  si, eso es, me gusta mezclar lo antiguo con lo moderno, lo sutil con lo extravagante.

en fin, que mas que rendirse mientras en mi cabeza zumban mil ideas y pienso en todo lo que me queda por ordenar de las maletas y mi casita necesitando una limpieza profunda.  acuerdense que por aca no existe la empleada domestica a.k.a. Nana por lo que las expatriadas tenemos que hacerlo todo desde cocinar hasta limpiar "guater". 

hoy, al fin, me levante y no se como de un zarpazo hice el dormitorio y el bano principal. todo limpio y con olor a fresco.  me atrevo a salir otra vez, a almorzar con la tati, una de esas ensaladas gigantes del Soup Plantation aqui cerquita y de paso con mi lista, al target, a comprar aromatizantes, y una almohada nueva.  siento que vuelvo a la vida; ahora que deje de llover porque estan pasando cosas en el barrio y no me las quiero perder. ademas tengo que ponerme a trabajar en mi tienda urgente, reponer mercaderia, tomarle fotos a todo lo que traje de por alla para vender.

ya les contare sobre el resto del orden en la casa, entre ello, deshacerme de mas chucherias.  por dios que junta uno cosas y hay que limpiar cada una del polvo que se acumula.  ya no quiero tanta cosa.  siempre digo lo mismo y me encuentro con otro garage sale y caigo como hipnotizada otra vez. por que seremos asi las mujeres?

y a encender luces y calefaccion porque se puso oscura oscura la casa