Sigo con esto de "the hours". Y descubriendo que la vida, ademas de ser una cosa de adentro, profundamente personal y sagrada, tambien esta en la calle y afuera. Y es como que lo de afuera se adentrara en una y pintara un lienzo dentro de uno. Pero lo mas hermoso de todo es como se van urdiendo esas pinceladas en conjuncion con la vida humana, las amigas con las cuales se comparten esas visiones.
comparto con ustedes algunas de las cosas que me han rodeado esta semana.
Well, boo, I have been leaving comments on all your posts but I am not seeing them posted. I hope you have received them. Oh well. Your posts are wonderful, colorful, thought provoking! I hope you are having a delightful time. When do you return? Perhaps you will stay there as you seem so happy there. I will keep posting with hopes that you know I think of you. Take care. Have fun. audrey xo
Well, boo, I have been leaving comments on all your posts but I am not seeing them posted. I hope you have received them. Oh well.
Your posts are wonderful, colorful, thought provoking! I hope you are having a delightful time. When do you return? Perhaps you will stay there as you seem so happy there.
I will keep posting with hopes that you know I think of you.
Take care. Have fun.
audrey xo
somos las CCC... cachaste?
Life is beautiful! Your photos make it more so.
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