Tuesday, January 31, 2012

{dreaming of spring}

i've been short on words.

it's simply that i am not a winter person.  at all. i seek color and a long day's journey into night. everywhere in my home, colors reign and lots of whimsey mixed in with traditional decor. i believe i suffer from seasonal disorder.

having postponed our trip to chile (days of nightmares prior to flying told me the time wasn't right) we are missing the latin summer in exchange for chilly sunny days in ventura. i cannot put my finger on the reasons that made me decide to remain close to home, maybe a feeling that it was too soon after the move to the new house or maybe the trauma of all the things that happened to me while i was there for almost a year. i am still trying to figure it out since i so love chile. 

the trade off: cozy days of watching "downton abbey", lighting the fire and home cooking as well as a birthday daytrip into hollywood to see "wicked" at the pantages.
january is almost over and i added another ring around the tree, 56. alot to think about or not think about. instead, pampering, self pampering and more pampering.  i chose the set of teacups pictured as one of my presents and put two more sets (on etsy ofcourse) on my wish list for valentines.

so i swiftly veer my attention from the morbid thoughts of ageing to the bulbs in the garden which are beginning to pop up and the four new roses that have gone in the ground.  i discovered an amazing rose by the name of "julio iglesias" that i can't wait to see bloom against the greens in my garden. i had seen it in a garden in mexico when we rented our friend's condo, remember? and searched high and low until i found it.

i have also been sifting through my stacks of seeds, planning on how to lay out what i intend to be an english garden. i prefer messy gardens to manicured gardens and must have a few wild flowers sown in among the classics.  like yarrow and cosmos and tiny violets along the borders. a few vegetables will go in the ground too, kale and snap peas and later on in the season a few beefsteak tomatoes climbing up bamboo teepees.

for inspiration, i make my semi-monthly run to barnes and noble to browse through all the decoration and craft magazines, picking up two:

there is a quietness about, i just haven't been in the mood for talking much, or even sharing the questions in my soul but life is stirring under the earth in my garden waiting to bloom at any moment. and being a spring and summer person, i will bloom with them.

i've managed to make some progress on this fabric collage i've had stacked away in my craft basket and have another embroidery in the works.

and splatter the house with color

i have found so many great ideas to make on several websites lately and must gather the momentum to begin which is always the hard thing for me.

in the coming days,  i promise to post a medley of the projects that have impressed me the most, as i have regularly in the past. 

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony." Thomas Merton
i am joining in
teacup tuesday

Monday, January 23, 2012

the heart has its reasons

of which reason knows nothing. 

se acuerdan?  hace casi justo un ano, el dia de mi cumpleanos en puerto varas

on a picnik


in love with picnik

Saturday, January 14, 2012


primera pagina de bitacora

y asi, como un relampago, me ataca la locura de la creatividad.  agregenle un par de horas con mi hijo al que escasamente veo por eso mismo(se lo pasa estudiando y componiendo) y ya es un delirio: embriaguez de estimulo.
AMO lo nuevo, AMO lo que aporta la juventud, lo que ven, como lo ven, como nos ensenan, ese aporte fresco, refrescante,

jon: auto-retrato

primer intento mio
durante lo restante del dia, converso con las musas
de la nueva tecnologia, lo que llaman
sobretodo una que me coge de las mechas y me remece hasta lo mas profundo:
instagram, una aplicacion de i-phone que nos transporta a los 60 y 70.
y me pongo aplicada y leo lo que mas puedo acerca de ella, devoro blogs de los amigos de mi hijo que se lo pasan en esto, me meto a flickr y descubro a una sueca hannah lemholt  que lo hace con un vision femenina.
y de tanto glotoneria paso de la embriaguez a la halucinacion
postrada, reverente, hipnotizada
hasta el punto de estar dispuesta a la

me acuerda a los cuadros de claudio bravo

y en eso me lo he llevado dias
en una insomnia
la chispa que anoraba
comparto aqui algunas de las imagenes que gatillaron esta locura sana
uno que otro de los artistas apenas adolescentes

tav calico

tav calico

luca venter

jonathan marsh (mi hijo)

susan tuttle
susan tuttle

brianne floyd by a friend (polola de jon)

tav calico
mi segundo intento

Thursday, January 5, 2012

por dentro y por fuera

que sorpresa mas grande cuando el sillon que habiamos mandado a hacer y que demoraria tres meses llego justo antes de la noche del 31. 
habia terminado de bajar el arbol, limpiado los arreglos florales y pensado en que le pondria al la chimenea para que no se viera tan pelada, cuando nos llaman que llegaria el sillon.
mas ganas todavia de ponerme a urguetear las cajas que aun me quedaban y dejarlo todo lindo para esa noche.
 por dentro y por fuera........
 arreglando el jardin

 suspirando con la belleza de las flores
 como estas pequeneces
 pero por sobretodo esta camelia solitaria de un color rosado perfecto

y los girasoles que me trajo mi querido
que siempre me producen tanta paz

otra noche buena
en que estuvimos tranquilos.
en que en la tele vovlvieron a mostrar los puentes de madison y volvimos a llorar a moco tendido
en que recordamos los meses pasados
y a mi papa que nos escribio y mando un libro desde australia con una foto del mismo parque que recordabamos al unisono.
asi empezamos el 2012, tranquilos, felices y abiertos a lo nuevo porque
sabemos que este camino es solo de
constante aprendizaje .
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more,
From these our interviews, in which I steal
From all I may be, or have been before,
To mingle with the Universe, and feel
What I can ne’er express, yet cannot all conceal.”
lord byron
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