
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

a la recherche du temps perdu


  1. Parece que Chile realmente te despierta el ojo y la inspiración! Hermosas fotos!!!

  2. Amiga, què es todo esto?? lindo, lindo... y el manjar con miel de ulmo, cosa más exquisitaaaaa
    còmo lo están pasando por allá??

  3. que mi paso por chile, e ha despertado la vision, todo me habla donde voy

  4. I love your blog. It is so interesting and your photos are beautiful. I feel a special connection as my Grand Daughter will be going to college in Valdida (?) for two semester of college in February. I am so excited for her. She is an amazing young woman and I told her if she found true love he needed to want to live in Colorado. LOL
    Paula Graves

  5. Love the photos! I have a thing for floral dishes and pottery and I love the ones you showed! Have a happy day!
    Tina xo

  6. Hola Constanza!!Sugerentes imágenes tal cual el título del maravilloso mundo de Proust!
    Y que linda sopera azul!!! Y la foto tan bella de María Cecilia! Un beso grande y nos veremos! Gloria.

  7. Hermosas imágenes! Qué delicadeza todo!

  8. Your photos capture the every day beauty in almost all things,especially the old and precious things.

    Is that a picture of you in your header?If so,you are very pretty.

    Images often say much more than words, don't they?

  9. Hi Constanza!
    I love that you find beauty in the simple things.
    These photos are so beautiful.
    You are obviously finding many treasures while visiting in Chile.
    ♥ audrey

  10. Hacía tiempo que no pasaba por aquí...¡este mundo es tan enorme!
    Visitarte es un placer
    Un abrazo
