
Wednesday, January 12, 2011


 oh how i lusted after this piece for weeks before actually buying it.  i had remembered a similar coffee pot i have which i am using to decorate a hutch in my guest room and, in the tradition of my enamelware accomplice maria cecilia, thought lots of similar pieces together would make it all the more striking.  so off i went in a taxi one saturday to make it mine urged by the added fact that the owner of the antique stand would be leaving for texas in a couple of days.

so here it is with me in my hotel, brighteningmy environs until i return home at the beginning of february.

due to the season, maria cecilia and i have not been able to venture out to the flea markets as much as we would like, it's very very hot and some of them are miles large so we get very hot and cranky but this friday we have promised ourselves to go.  i am still anxious to find more of my collection of catholic medals. 

isn't she beautiful my friend maria cecilia?
te quiero chichi, mi complice


  1. María ceci o el pot...quiés es más lindo??????? jajajajaja
    Espero que se diviertan mucho en el flea market!

  2. I would LOVE to go flea marketing with the two of you!
    That enamelware pot just had to go home with you :) Beautiful. Until I saw the two of your blogs...I didn't know floral enamelware existed. I had only seen it splattered or with a red or blue rim.

  3. qué duo dinámico!!!!!!! hermosas las dos!!!!!! mira , yo las rrreeeimagino ahi de shopping por esos lugares de tantas divinuras!imagino sus risas y sus charlas...sus disfrutes!!!!!!que lindoooo!!!!!!! me encanto el nuevo banner del blog!!con esas palabras!!!!!!!!!y todo tu corazón ahí,al ras de la pantalla!!!!besosssssssssssss gigantesss!!!!!!!!!
    ...despues les escribo un mail para hacerles una invitacion a vos y a la chechu..............

  4. I really like the new look! It is as beautiful as you are.

  5. This blue piece is gorgeous!! I am so happy that you purchased it. The floral design on it just makes it perfect.
    The scenery in Chile is beautiful, as well. I can see why you love it there.
    A little bird told me you have a birthday coming soon. Me too. We are both under the same sign ~ must be why I like your blog so much and the way you think. ♥
    Anyway, in order to wish you a birthday properly, I need to know your name. I have searched your blog and cannot find it. ): How can I have a beautiful blog friend and not know her name???
    Please either leave me a comment with your name or send me a note in an email, please.
    ♥ audrey

  6. Dearest Connie,

    Lucky you to be almost in 'paradise'... Chile has a special spot in our hearts; read here why
    Smart for escaping the dreary winter, even though California will not be that bad but still.
    Maria Cecilia's place is heaven!

    Enjoy your final weeks and cherish your treasures!


  7. May i ask ?? that turquoise glass cup next the boat picture is that one from you ?? where did you by it ??? i am in love right now !! please can you help me ??? hugs Ria...
