
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"oh look we have created enchantment"  aka Teacup Tuesday invites us to make little vignettes showing off our teacups.  well, although i am a hoarder of pretty things and a peddler by chosen profession, i only have a very few teacups so had to actually buy this mug at kmart while i was shopping for wrapping tape for my sold packages.  teacups have become collector's items and some are quite pricey so i will have to get very creative in the future to continue our teaparty soirees.  thank goodness this set was very affordable as in "on sale" in the country living aisle.  i was ecstatic, i would be able to post again after a skipped week.  the towel was a special farewell gift from my friend maria cecilia who has the most divine blog and the enamel sign i purchased a few months ago while on a trip to buenos aires' san telmo street fair.  note that it says cafe-bar so you know in this house there is tea time and cocktail time, two spectrums of enjoyment.
what a better moment than a calm quiet break to give my daily thanks, (the miners in chile are soon to see the light of day again, emotional sniffing as i write this), to ask for those i love, to put myself into HIS hands.

...and the person i'd most like to have tea with today jamie lee curtis=smart,beautiful,funny,sexy, sensual, profound,and CREATIVE!  she writes children's books which have become national bestsellers, this is what i call a complete woman. did you hear her goodbye speech when her father tony curtis passed away?  right on!


  1. Your new china is lovely (wish there was a Kmart near me). I enjoyed seeing all your photos. I'm also running out of teacups to show on Teacup Tuesday.

    Yes, it would be fascinating to have afternoon tea with Ms. Curtis.

  2. Hi: What an amazing blog you have! I am going to read it all. I love your new tea cups. Thanks for joining us. This is too fun to skip. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  3. que lindo todo, Connie, tan romántico, cozy, amoroso, dulce, delicado... bello!

    No me acordaba de la toallita, que linda se ve en tus fotos.. cuando la vi dije oh igual a la mía...

    ya te contesté el mail, espero que ahora sí te llegue, pusha oh

  4. I have noticed teacups are harder to find and pricier too, maybe all the teatime ladies are buying them out!But you did well, very well.Red is so cheery and even comes in nice for the upcoming holidays.

    Jamie Lee Curtis is quite inspirational , i have never seen any younger pictures of her. I like the picture of her with long hair.

    Yes~ Praise God for the safe return above ground of the miners in Chile!!!!

  5. Me encanta la tacita nueva. Kmart??? WOW!! Me tengo que dar una pasadita por ahí! Y el cartelito me robó el corazón!!!!!

    y the way, Jamie Lee es una de las pocas que sí se ve mejor con la natural, simplemente bella!!

  6. Hi! thank you for the comment about the art bras. The design I showed was made by my daughter. We have more pictures on older posts if you want to look. We had the fundraiser auction last night but plans are being made for next year. If you would like to participate, I'll let you know what the organization decides to do. You have a very interesting blog and I'm going to be reading it from top to bottom. Thank you again, and I'd love for you to participate in future sewing projects with us. Talk soon!

  7. Your new china is very pretty! At Kmart you say??? I love it.
    All your photos are eye candy. I really enjoyed visiting and seeing your pretty treasures.
    I really admire Jamie as well.

  8. Has creado un post precioso con una combinación de colores que me encanta

  9. Querida Connnie:
    Veo que tu creatividad es abundante y muy hermosa. Sigue adelante, todo está bellísimo. Como te fue en el médico? Veo que Richard se preocupa mucho por ti, de lo que me alegro .Espero que luego vengas a Chile. Te extraño. Cariñitos a tus hijos y a Richard. I miss you , love Patty Favereau.
