
Monday, October 11, 2010

this blog post is dedicated to my mama who would have celebrated a birthday today.  and believe me, she knew how to throw a party.

so here they are, the fruits of my determination and the labor of my loyal sewing machine for the past  three days stop and go. hours and hours of bliss.  i am never happier than when i am entranced in the creative process.  although the relaxation is much more when i hand stitch, the sewing machine has saved me precious time by making the tedious straight lines a cinch.  i was very strict in the past about not using a sewing machine but i slowly gave in one day when i found a multi stitch singer at costco.

the apron is now ready and listed in my shop as is the banner but my more ambitious work, a purple jacket appliqueed with a sacred heart detente will take longer.
it really looks easier than it is since chosing the right color scheme is hard and balancing all the elements and stitches is frustrating sometimes.  knowing when the piece is finished takes a keen eye for artistic composition.

well you can imagine what it was cleaning up the floor after all the snipping, cutting, bordering and embroidering.  i'm just too ashamed to show you what my work space looked like in the process. 

inspired by the new apronology trend

hand crocheted trim for the apron in pink cotton

the jacket
three dimensional heart on jacket back, i had started it long ago and it still has a ways to go

i love this one

you might all think me rather silly spending time like a dreamer, but i'd rather spend all my time making things and even selling them at cost in order to pay the bills.  i'd rather make a creative $30 to pay the electricity bill or go out to have an iced coffee with my daughter than sit in an office for eight hours and 4 of them idely. i refuse to work for the system again (GOD please don't let the spit come right back down on my face!)  where i felt like a "dead man walking".  and that's an understratement.  more and more of us are going "indie" and there's a very good reason for it too. 
as my good friend kathy would say "things must turn around sometime soon, don't you think?" love that woman.  it's more than her blog, it's her in constant movement knowing what's true. oh, there i go again all sentimental like but that's who i am, a sensitive romantic.


  1. Oh, my! Where to start? The apron made in your mother's honor is amazing--I just love it!

    The piece for the jacket back is wonderful...

    And that banner...I'm totally inspired! I've just started doing little things like that, but hadn't thought of putting them together in a garland--so gorgeous!

    Thanks for the beautiful inspiration today!


  2. How beautiful your work is, so inspirational, so alive with color and texture....just gorgeous! It is always a pleasure to see what you post....and like all artists I am sure your workspace is a sacred area. You have honored your mama today and I know she was smiling down on you as you worked! Have a great week my friend...
    Tina xo

  3. Visitarte es encontrar belleza y delicadeza en todo lo que haces y nos muestras
    Un abrazo

  4. Lindo trabajo, un arte bien vintage!, me encanta!

  5. Me encantaron tus trabajos de hoy, Connie, no es súper terapéutico coser layers y layers de telas y texturas?? Lo que sí, tenés razón, la limpieza es brutal! Yo estuve haciendo unos almohadoncitos súper simples (nada que ver con el trabajo de los tuyos!) y había hilachas y pedazos de tela por todos lados. Yo nunca podría estar en ése libro: Where women create...mi espacio es un despelote!! jajajaj
    Espero ansiosa el final de la jacket.

  6. connnnnnieeee quééééé BELLEZAS!!!!!!!el puede ser mas mas lindo!!!!!!!!!y con tus palabras.....DIVINOOOOO!!!CADA PEDACITO DE TELA ES UN PEDACITO DE TU CORAZON!!!!!! Y la guirlanda es la mas mas linda que viiiiiii!!!! tanta creacion ,tanto espíritu...connie sos una genia!!! es para decir...zapatero a tus zapatos y vivir dé y con estas bellezas!!!!!besos gigantessssss !!!y la chaqueta tambien esta buenísima!!!!!!!!me encanto este post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Un maravilloso homenaje a tu madre con tus tremendas creaciones, arte, poesía y hours and hours of bliss, què puede ser mejor??
    Resèrvame esa garland que me enamoró, ya vi el precio en tu etsy y me la traes por favor!!!
    te quiero
    p.s. esa chaqueta... aahh!!

  8. que bendicion tener amigas como Uds. gracias por los comentarios, le puse muchisio amor a estas creaciones y la guirnalda ya se vendio a israel. chichi te voy a hacer otra para cuando vaya. y acabo de terminar una cartera que se llama paloma's nest.

  9. Your apron is gorgeous. What a wonderful way to remember your Mom's birthday (I lost my Mom in 2000). The many embellishments you chose for the apron are so pretty.

    The banner looks great too and so does your appliqued jacket.
