
Sunday, April 3, 2011

crochet flowers & tutorial

and new creative ideas just keep coming at me

chain eight stitches, join with a sl st to make a circle.  chain six, crochet one dc (double chain), chain three more stitches, dc again, repeat seven more times until you have eight holes, sl st into third stitch of the original six chain stitches to close. 
then on second row: 1 sc,1hdc,3dc,1hdc,1sc eight times, sl st to close in first stitch of previous row.
then on third row it gets a bit trickier since you have to work behind the second row.  chain 5 and sl into first stitch of petal, repeat 7 times until you have the eight loops to crochet the next row in.
on the fourth row 1sc,1hdc,3dc,1hdc,1sc eight times, sl st on the first petal to close
on the fifth row continue working crocheting on the back of the work without flipping (that sounded funny)
chain 7 stitches, sl in first stitch of previous petal, repeat seven more times
on the sixth row row, 1sc,1hdc,5dc,1hdc,1sc eight times, sl st in first chain of previous row petal to close.
on the seventh row, chain seven chains, sl st into first chain of petal from previous row, always in the back, repeat 7 more times
last row, 1sc,1hdc,5dc,1hdc,1sc eight times.  close by sl st in the first st. of first petal of previous row. 
wish i could film this.  i will try taking photographs of the step by step process.

my flowers are very big since i used a thick cotton, but they can be smaller if you choose a thinner yarn or cotton.  the centers, i crocheted with embroidery floss just going in a random circle, increasing stitches every now and then to make flat.  you can use your imagination any way you want for the centers, even vintage buttons would look nice.


  1. hola connie querida!!!!!!!!!te cuento que estasd flores son las MÁS MÁS MAÁÁÁSSSS LINDAS que he visto hasta ahora al crochet!!!!!!!divinas divinas divinas!!como vos!!!!!!!!!!
    divinos los colores y centros de la flor! súper originales!!!!!
    como te recuperaste de la caminata??!!!tenes que ir de a poco y cada dia un poquito más!!!para hacerte así resistente a cualquier cosa,frio,calor,lluvia,mosquitos!!!jaja!!a mí me pasa que las ganas más la belleza de subir una montaña te llenan de adrenalina y queres ir yb seguir pero nsi o si hay que para subir el everst!! pero si para ir poco a poco!!!!!!y cuando quieras acordar...quién te para connie!!!!!
    te mando miles de besos y siempre siempre estas en mi corazón!!!!!chauuu connie querida!!!!

  2. uy Connie, y tan orgullosa que me sentía de mi corazoncito crocheterooo jajaa! una lindura tus flores!!
    Besos y buen domingo!

  3. I suppose you made all these crocheted flowers in one day or evening, Constanza? You are a whiz!! They are beautiful and colorful!! I can just imagine what you might make with them ~ so many possibilities.
    ♥ audrey

  4. Oh so pretty!!!
    And colourful!

    Deborah :)

  5. They are just beautiful!! I love them! :)

  6. Hermosas flores, peregrim. Me gustan las combinaciones de colores.

  7. Hola Connie!!!!Maravillosas tus flores y colores!!! Me encantan tus labores, y me gustaría tener alguna de tus piezas de tela como le has envíado a Audrey.. Me encantan!!Cómo las vendes??Todo bello siempre! Un beso, Gloria.

  8. Hola Connie!!! Tutorial, tus seguidoras queremos tutorial por que ésas flores son una monada!!!

  9. Que lindas, a puesto que si las unes se formaria una muy linda colcha!
    Yo me uno a Colorin colorado, un tutorial seria formidable!!

  10. Thank you Connie, ahora hay que cruzar los dedos para que me salga!!!

  11. Those are just amazing and what a fun way to use up crochet thread and then decorate a sweater or hat! Very Sweet!
    Tina xo

  12. I am determined to learn a teensy bit of crochet this coming year, and these pictures inspire me. You have a gift for combining color and texture that appeal to the eye, and also to the touch. ( I assume this because I know the feel of yarn) Thank-you.

  13. hola!!
    hablas español??
    parece que si!!
    te felicito, tu Blog es maravilloso!!
    me encantó, vengo de Colorín Colorado
    un abrazo desde Chile

  14. Those are just very cheerful...but I ADORE the banner you made has all of the elements I love so much! THANKS again for coming back to see me....your words are SO true!
    Have a great week!

  15. Amiga, no descansas, igual que las hormiguitas, todo lo que has hecho y junto se ve y es maravilloso!!! Tienen razón las amigas crocheteras, el tutorial les falta.
    El diseño del blog quedó precioso... pero, esa letra es linda pero me cuesta leerla!!!

  16. Me encanta el crochet... y tus flores están bellísimas. un tutorial siempre se agradece! gracias!
