
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


although i know i'll miss lighting the fireplace, it's spring we've all been waiting for and here in california it's spring, almost. new life hinting, peeking through the soil and branches, lots of daily sunshine, less and less foggy, gloomy days and all is focused on the garden, dreamt or otherwise.
my lilac ever gratifying
snapdragons, always a must for color

and the canterbury bells in innocent white amidst the camomille
shammrock & chives

this one was an intuituitive find since i love white flowers, it's called bridal wreath and turns out to be an esay grower in any soil and/or spot
bachelor's buttons

& the ready to be planted betty white and queen elizabeth roses

a california native

and a great idea from good ol martha stewart
lots of blisters on my hands now due to the ever invasive weeds
so for sure you will find me in the garden or at the local garden center ever closer to my dream meadow, preparing for that pre-summer party overlooking the city lights.  bring out the mimosa's.


  1. That is one of the things that I love about California, spring comes so early and with so many beautiful colours.
    Thx for sharing!!!

  2. Que bonito jardín, las flores me encantan (estoy pensando que eso le falta a mi huerta-jardín), la terraza muy grata... ah!!!! el otoño que se anuncia en este lado me provoca melancolía... ver la primavera del otro lado es siempre un buen remedio!

  3. Bellísimas todas tus flores y plantas! Esa flor azul me recuerda muchísimo a la chacra de mis abuelos cuando yo era muy chica... no sé el nombre de esas flores.
    Muy bello tu jardín. Gracias por mostrarlo :)

  4. It looks like a very promising spring judging by the gorgeous pictures, Connie
    Feliz Día de la Mujer!

  5. Constanza, your gardens are SO beautiful!!!!!!!
    I cannot wait to dig in the dirt and get my flowers started. The time is just not quite right yet.
    It is good for the soul to work in the garden - even if digging weeds.
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the colored pots attached to the fence.
    ♥ audrey

  6. Hhaahahah!! lovely done !! great post !! you make me smile......lovely day ...spring will come Ria...

  7. Hola Constanza, qué belleza tu jardín, las fotos son magníficas, y me encantó el detalle de la mesita con la colcha celeste, hermoso!
    Deseo que pases un muy feliz día de la mujer, cariños, Adriana.

  8. Amiga!!! en la primavera es cuando más trabajo hay en el jardín y veo que ya estás comenzando con tus manitos de testigo, bienvenida al club de las jardineras, es lo mejor!!!!!
    Bello setting te mandaste en el exterior pa puro celebrar!!!!
    yo creo que de aquí en adelante ya no habrá más que jardín en tu vida!!!
    te quiero

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What wonderful flowers and plants you have growing in your garden. I love the pots attached to the fence. And the unexpected lamp and the ice bucket with blue bottles are divine!

  11. Your garden is gorgeous! Isn't it wonderful having the promise of sunshine and pretty flowers? Love it!
    I am going to have to find me some Bridal Wreath for my yard. Like you, I love white flowers!

    Happy Gardening!


  12. Beautiful flowers. I love lilacs. I live in the NC mountains and our spring is not quite here yet.

  13. Just discovered your visit on a later post of mine and just stopped by to say thanks for coming.
    Yes, love that spring is coming but we still can sit by the firepit on the deck on the cool evenings.
    Blessings ;-)

  14. oh richard, how could you not see life and happiness in this? you are so so blind.

  15. Hola Connie!
    que belleza tus flores!!!!
    Que lo disfrutes :)

  16. darn that martha!
    we'll just say you put that cute setting together.
    sometimes my blog gets more comments that martha's LOL.
