
Monday, March 21, 2011

going boho

loved making these.  trends change and i see a modern, sixties feel coming into craft magazines and books.  well, the whole concept of handmade and homespun has always been around but the sfifties and sixties were my early years and i got alot of visuals from them.  if you visit my home, you will clealry see i have an eclectic taste, but one thing is certain, there are a lot, i mean A LOT of handmade items all over the house, most of them created by myself.  i think i have always liked "the homemade home", beginning with the actual structures (tree houses, for example), continuing with the garden and then all inside.  i feel houses feel more like homes that way, not so manicured, a bit dysfunctional as we humans are, and, ultimately, more real.  so i have begun to practice the handmade more and more as i compost, crochet my own lap blanket, sew my own christmas ornaments, make my own cards, write personalized letters and even hum my own tunes.  hope you like them.


  1. Lindas imagens! Delicadas, de uma sensibilidade incrível.
    Adorei conhecer.
    Patricia Lara
    Blumenau SC - Brasil

  2. Constanza, these are wonderful. Very sixties and very colorful. They will look great on your wall or on a pillow. You inspire me to get busy with thread and needle!!!
    Will you really make another banner with creams and whites? I would love that. ♥
    ♥ audrey

  3. Guauuu!!! En qué idioma escribo??
    En el del corazón!!
    Qué hermosos bordados!!!
    Mucha energía en esas figuras y colores!!!
    Qué tengas lindo día!!

  4. I just remembered a blouse that mom made for me many years ago that had a whole lot of those 60's design which brings me lots of memories. I should ask mom to make a new one for me.
    They are very pretty Constanza, you always seem to bring a big smile to my face.
    Saluditos y cariños mil

  5. Amiga, me encanta ver tus creaciones, siempre me sorprendes!!!
    cómo anda el corazoncito??

  6. Hi Connie!! Tuve en mi mano those embroiderie loops el otro día cuando fuí a Michael's y los terminé dejando por que ya había gastado demasiado $...ahora voy a tener que volver a buscarlos por que me inspiraste a bordar!!!! Te salieron tan alegres, perfectos para éstos días tan grises que nos tocan vivir!

  7. Qué-be-lle-zas! Coincido con vos en que los sixties han tenido un sello muy particular en lo que a diseño se refiere. Y síii, viva el homemade!

  8. Your embroidery is gorgeous...I love the colors you chose.

  9. Connie esto es demasiado lindo, qué colores y formas tan lindas, te pasaste, súper lindos !!!

  10. Así mismo es como me gusta a mi... lo hecho a mano ... la casa hecha a mano.... lo humano en los objetos... tus bordados están bellísimos, los colores y diseños me gustan mucho!
