
Thursday, March 24, 2011

face book

this was my surprise today: my aunt joanne sent me these
old photos of the family via facebook, photos i had never seen and
what a joy it was to see my daddy, martin, my darling, handsome daddy i only got for nine months of my life since he died during open heart surgery when he was a mere 22 years old and i a babe in arms.  there are so many stories about this family. maybe one day i will write a bit about them.

and this photo is of my great grandparents harry and helen berger with their children, among them, my grandfather oscar, when they still lived in sandringham, england.  i never got to meet alfred or john, only their daughters, but i totally adored auntie kitty and auntie barbara who i remember taking long walks with and betting on the horse races while visiting them in england (we won). they, too, have many a story.



  1. Connie, estas fotos son para llorar, què lindo regalo de tu tía Joanne, y tu papá qué mino, un mijito rico!!!
    abrazos amiga

  2. A wonderful use for Face book! Imagine all the good things family can share with each other...

    Fascinating family history. I am now curious about your English AND Chilean roots....

  3. Qué hermosas fotos, Connie, adoro estas fotos de familia (que tengo también y atesoro).

  4. HOW exciting!!! I hope I get photos sent to me from family.
    You do have a beautiful family. I love the sailor suit and Auntie Kitty is my favorite :)

  5. Las fotos de la familia son un tesoro y estas son además preciosas!
    ¡Connie tienes el apellido de mi escritor favorito Jonh Berger... y la misma nacionalidad!!!

  6. Ups... se me dieron vuelta las letras... John!!!
