
Thursday, March 3, 2011


if ever there was a cottage, this is the one par excellance, meet

so i went and tended my own, even in the rain

for becky's son, jordan


  1. How cute is that blog???? I'm following her! Thank you amiguita Connie!!!

  2. Hola Constanza!!! Que de entradas me perdí....y hoy las veo y emencantaron tus pinturas, una sensible y pura pintura! Tienen alma y un color de un mundo interior muy rico! Todo lo tuyo es una riqueza para disfrutar desde el alma. Un beso, Gloria.

  3. WOW what a bunch of lovely pictures!!!
    Thx for sharing, saludos coordiales desde Canada

  4. hola, que gusto que hayas pasado por mi blog.. Siiiiiiiiii Maria Cecilia tambien me habló de ti.. ayyy que ganas de "hacer mas tiempo" los estudios me abducen..jeje..

    Mis rosas ahora estan menguando, ya se ven que comienzan su letargo, sin embargo en algunas aun con mucha fuerza siguen creciendo botones :) eso me hace tan feliz.... encontrar una rosa en medio de las abejas...


  5. Hello!

    First of all, I had no idea that you had written this post, not until I checked the stats of SiteMeter.

    I am so touched, so touched and sooooo honored. I am sitting here with tears in my eyes after seeing the last angel kiss for Jordan. This is just beautiful and you have touched my heart today. Thank you for this. If I could reach through the computer screen to give you a hug, I would. I've been sick, so a cyber hug is safe.

    Your yard is gorgeous! I will come back later today and spend more time reading your blog. Have to take the doggies to the groomer now.

    ((hugs)) and gratitude to you, Connie.


  6. I am here visiting from Becky's blog. What a lovely post about Becky...nice to meet you!

  7. I'm visiting from Becky's blog - and I'm someone who knows her in real life - and I can tell you that her sweet spirit outshines anything you see in writing or pictures....she is a divine human who I am proud to know. Thanks for the opportunity to share!

  8. What a sweet tribute... No wonder Becky was so touched by it!

  9. This is so beautiful and so thoughtful of you...
    Becky is such a sweetheart :)

    Deborah :)
