
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

so we bundled up  in a handknit collar &

loaded the fireplace with logs

and brightened the room with color

making my brother's little container vacation home a bit cozier
(quite a challenge living in a containr without insulation & and the bare minimums although we do have
hot water, a bathroom, a small stove,a refrigerator, a RADIO yeah!, a queen size bed and two hot water bottles, a bicycle, a small scooter, lots of wood, an exceptional location, and ONDA, lots of ONDA which is spanish means good spirit or as young people chile say, FLOW!

using elements from the zone (this is a handmade mortar and pestle)

such as this homespun basket with wild yarrow

or this local lavender and vintage blue apothecary bottle

and a wooden buddha  on a shell and hydrangea petals
 from the garden


  1. Oh, did this hit home. Having lost my dear sweet brother in the Fall, I often ask out loud, "oh brother, where are you??" I miss him so. Life is not quite the same without him and yet I know that he is at peace and I must go on.
    It rained here all night and we woke to dense fog which cleared off in the late morning. A big portion of the country is suffering with snow and ice. We had a beautiful, sunny day.
    Today, we celebrated my Mom's 94th birthday. How blessed we are to still have her with us.
    More beautiful photos, Constanza. My favorites ~ the Buddha with hydrangea petals and the blue bottle with lavender.
    Be well.
    ♥ audrey

  2. hi connie!!!! read your comment yesterday, are you sure you want to go back to the states????? I think we should work on your kids moving to south america, don't you think? can't wait for next week's party at ale's home we are going to have a blast! See you there! besos!!!!!

  3. qué buena onda connie!!!!!!!!!!para mí es un paraíso ese lugar de tu hermano !!! ..estas en el sur en puerto varas,frutillar,puerto mont...una hermosuraaaaaaa!!! es asi ...sobre las nubes vuela el aliento...esas palabras son tan poeticas y me asi esa sensacion de libertad de calma..qué lindo !!cuánto para contar !!! que poquito nos falta!!
    alla el fueguito y aca nos estamos asando!!!! asique no se olviden el traje de bañoooo!!!!!
    besitos inmensosssssss!!!!!!

  4. Se pasó tu hermano!!! realmente uno puede estar en Onda o Flow en cualquier parte del mundo ya sea en una ruca o en un container con todas esas comodidades y flores, què exquisitooooooo!!!!!

  5. The bare minimums seem like riches sometimes! I am enjoying your travels and adventures, especially written with your joy of life attitude.

  6. Hola peregrim blue, todavía en Chile?
    Estuve recorriendo tu blog para ver qué me perdí en este último mes que anduve de vacaciones. Como siempre me encantan tus entradas, disfruto mucho lo que escribís y las fotografías.
    Un abrazo.

  7. hola constanza! aqui estoy como prometi ayer en casa de Ale, comenzar a conocer tu blog y asi conocerte mas a vos. hermosas tus fotos, tan calidas. te mando muchos besos y que tengas buen viaje de regreso! y espero volver a vernos! :)
