
Friday, February 25, 2011

Nostalgic Nostalgia

jude mcconkey background

photo taken by my daughter's friend dominga castagnoli


  1. Hay que convercerlo a Richard, Connie!!!!!!!!!!! Vamos pa'l Sur, friend!!!!!

  2. Oh, dear Constanza, you are home and missing Chile so much already. It is obvious you have special bonds with friends in Chile and leaving them must have been hard. Just remember you can always go back, Constanza, when the time is right.
    Your recent photographs have been so beautiful. Your photos are serene and calming, as are your words about life.
    I have been overwhelmed with life's duties this past year. I would love some alone time away. That is not going to happen anytime soon, so I will continue to look at your beautiful, soft, inviting photos, and dream.
    I am happy to see you are creating once again. I so loved your little white banner that was in your etsy shop. Alas, it is no longer there. Perhaps, one day you will make another.
    Welcome home, Constanza. I hope to get to know you better through our blogs.
    Take care. Be happy.
    ♥ audrey

  3. Muy bonito, me ha encantado tu blog.
    Un texto conmovedor y unas fotos muy chulas.
    Un saludo. Te sigo

  4. me es dificil imaginar lo que siente una persona que vive tan lejos de un pais que no es el suyo, y añora su tierra, porque yo jamas me he ido del mio (aun) pero a travez de tus palabras logro imagina un poco esa nostalgia tan sentida...
    ya volveras pronto y aqui en el sur te esperaremos connie! te mando muchos besos...
    y que bonita la foto del abrazo al arbol!! es foto tuya o de la web?

  5. Ay Connie !! vamos que no decaiga, ya habrán vientos de cambio, te mando un beso grande y a pensar en el proximo viaje !

  6. I don't know how I found your blog BUT I am So Happy I did, it is beautiful! I DO NEED a translator though so I could read it! LOVE the visual!!! I would Love for you to visit me too...
    Have a wonderful Week,
    Hugs, Donna

  7. yo también te extraño mucho mucho
