
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Don't scrub the soul out of your house."

inspired by posy, i put together a little kitchen corner today as the rains threaten once more to bring us all inside for tea and crumpets

i so love real houses, not those pictured in magazines
too perfect and unlived in, a house has to look lived in
and that's why posy's blog is so appealing, please take a peek.

so off i go to the the little red house
to share


  1. You are so right about "real houses". I love to be in a home that exudes the life of the family / person who lives there. Yes, LIVES there.It is hard for so many to try to emulate impractical decorating and living , but think they need to.The real question is "what makes our lives beautiful, practical, livable" in decorating.Not necessarily in that order.

    Lovely post. Thank-you. I also really like the picture of the kitchen that would meet all my needs, very adequately.

  2. Is that your kitchen??? owwwww i really like it !! lovely day

  3. Esta es tu casa? qué linda !! y si no es igual me encantó . Te mando un beso enorme desde Tigre

  4. connie! que amor y que calidez le diste a tu cocina! :) es tan lindo ese rincon!!! ahora yo tambien quiero hacerme uno asi aqui, veremos si puedo darle algun toque con algun detalle asi de bonito... te mando muchos besos!!!!

  5. Muy bonito tu post, me encantan los bordados los botones... las cortinas de flores son preciosas.
    muxus y biquiños

  6. Your kitchen looks beautiful. It would cheer up anyone on a rainy day.
