
Sunday, February 20, 2011

at last order: a place for everything and everything in its place. a miracle of by room, i have cleaned and polished, dusted and closeted, sorted and discarded. so everything is back to normal now and we can start the new.  chile and argentina are becoming a memory and back in the US, small beginnings hint of great things.  settling back takes time and mental clarity.  and with a trip changes always occur, a newfound purpose stirs the conscience, a new passion (in my case a love affair with my camera), new challenges. especially with my relationships-to my people and with my things. 

in times when life comes at you fast, it is easy to become overwhelmed with too much sensory information so i discipline myself after short meditations to sift carefully, let things silt. 

people keep asking me to create, they beg me to create. i haven't really sewn or painted much since september of last year, but what happens is that i look at the stacks and stacks of  art materials and i just refuse to disturb the order.  art is messy and right now i need order.  so i opt for roadtrips in the rain (yesterday we drove into santa paula and the ojai valley), long conversations with my daughter, a night of dancing with richard, reading my magazines and discovering new blogs.  for now this suits me just fine.  i lived a year in a whirlwind of sensation and now is a time for peace and softer sensations.

i call it processing. 

it's so good to be home and to find everything so balanced


  1. Como me gustaría que mi casa estuviera limpia y ordenada como la tuya, Connie! Estamos en el medio de un painting job, dust y cosas everywhere!!!! I'm looking forward to your same balance!

  2. Eso trae paz. PAZ: Tranquilidad en el orden...
    Un beso grande!

  3. Me gusta escucharte y saberte en tranquilidad y orden, y procesando cosas gusta conocer rincones de tu casa y tus cosas bellas, me gusta que estés paseando y conversando con Tati, me gusta que estés bailando, me gusta tu new love affair con tu cámara (ere este el regalo, la sorpresa de R.??)
    Nosotros en Pucón, no toda la familia, sólo Colomba y León su pololo y Jerónimo el hijo exquisito de Felipe...
    abrazos amiga mía y claro que iré preparando la cumbre nro. 2 para cuando vengas, fin de año?? no lo puedo creer!!!!!!! genial!!!!!!!

  4. me gustan tus fotos ,tu casa tb y bonitas palabras en tu entrada muy bueno como planteas tu estado actual

  5. welcome home. glad you are in country! safe and sound.
