
Friday, November 12, 2010

we have booked passage to Uvita, Costa Rica for Thanksgiving and will stay with family and friends for 5 days and then travel the following five.  when i return though, i have to jump on a plane right away to go to chile, something i am really not looking forward too in spite of it being summer there in december.  the previous trip really left deep scars from which i have not quite recovered and i will be there mainly for more and more piles of paperwork and bureaucracy but be what it may, i have to do it.  to lighten the load, i have decided to rent a small furnished apartment since mom's no longer is habitable after the pending sale and will try to hook up with cecilia and paty and patty and rebeca as much as i can to take my mind off  all the work up ahead.

in the interim, camarillo has welcomed the rains and the colors of autumn which i have wirnessed first hand by driving around the farms closeby and taking photos


  1. I truly hope you have a relaxing & wonderful Thanksgiving in Costa Rica. And I hope your trip to Chili will go smoothly for you.
    I will be happy to see you post something upon your return. Until then, I send you best wishes and a big hug for a safe journey.
    ♥ audrey

  2. què rico costa rica!!! ... aquí te espero amiga, bienvenida a chilito y trataremos de hacer que tu estadía sea muy feliz!!!!
    abrazo y a gozar de costa rica...

  3. Your photos are great - that beach is so beautiful. One of my brothers has been to Costa Rica on vacation a couple of times and loved it. Hope you have a nice time with your family and friends.

    Hope things go well on your December trip. Take care.
