
Monday, November 22, 2010

amish thanksgiving?

i wasn't even thinking of a thanksgiving theme when i began these.  it just so happened that i have this huge spool of ecru cotton, the same i used for the icicles, and kept looking at it and thinking what else can i make with this.  i have always loved cotton, especially the whites and butter colored tones. the same with linen, it just speaks minimalist elegance. 

i wanted to knit a vintage inspired baby christening cap.  i had no pattern, just the inspiration and the intuition of what to do.  it was a success.  it was knitted with tiny tiny stitches since i used the thinnest knitting needles i have with just one thread of cotton. 

the spool has shrunk from huge to large with plenty of giving in it still so i proceeded to begin a baptimal dress (in the works).

i love it when i can accomplish what i envisioned.

i so look forward to thursday.  thanksgiving is by far my favorite celebration of the year.  the turkey has been purchased and all the trimmings (yes, you guessed, no costa rica, i have broken off a five year relationship which was a real roller coaster) the cinnamon broom at trader joe's scents the house and invitations made to my children and a couple of friends. new beginnings, new reasons to give thanks, new reasons to hope and plan and come alive again. a bit scary i must admit but a decision made based on truth. 


  1. Big hug to you too for being both brave and true to yourself. Only can new lovely things happen to you when you are free to accept them. I wish you many lovely new things

    It's a strange time of year. I am reading on many blogs at the moment how bogged down bloggers are, too busy, struggling with the life/work/create/blog balance/illness. I for one have undertaken too many projects in blogland. I find it so hard to say no to new challenges but I'm left rushing through them meeting deadlines. I will change that next year!

    Big hugs and happy smiles

  2. ps. totally forgot to say how gorgeous your beautiful Amish style baby bonnet is x

  3. You might have now one more reason to thank on Thursday...Love you "Amish" creations!!!! Happy Turkey Day!!

  4. What a sweet little baby cap. I love the tiny little stitches.
    It sounds like you have made a life changing decision and one that will allow you the freedom to begin anew. Even though it may seem a bit scary, you will find happiness in your new endeavors.
    I wish you all the best.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    ♥ audrey

  5. Hermosas creaciones, ya te imagino tejiendo y tejiendo hasta lograr lo que has "visionado". Este post tiene algo que me gustó mucho: "I love it when I can accomplish what I envisioned"... te parece familiar??... entonces??...

  6. Life is so uncertain, often relationships are too.A thankful heart such as yours will recover and grow stronger,and a day dedicated especially to celebrating thankfulness will bless you and yours especially.

    The baby bonnet is beautiful and I find the simplicity of it all the more timeless and appealing. Happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you .

  7. lovely post. you sound good. have a special day with family and friends!
