
Sunday, October 31, 2010

dia de los muertos altar to my mother and son

in mexico it is called dia de los muertos, in south america dia de todos los santos.  it is a day when everybody visits their loved ones at the cemetry, carrying gifts and flowers.  so, unable to visit either my son's grave in santiago or my mother's resting place in isla negra (she opted to have her ashes scattered in the pacific ocean in front of pablo neruda's house)  i have made an altar to both of them in the mexican tradition with ofrendas and lots of color.  the arch symbolizes the passing from life to death, i assembled it with styrofoam cut in the shape of an arch and then pinning each flower around it.  ofcourse, lots and lots of lit up candles at night.

preparing the altar

preparing the altar

paper banner i printed out for above the altar


  1. The altar is very beautiful, warm and full of love! I had no idea you lost a child. I'm sorry for your loss and admire your strength. You are an incredible person Constanza. Bless you!

  2. Hola, te mando todo mi cariño, en un dia como hoy, hace mas de 30 años perdi a mi papa. Creo que los que se van antes que uno, solo se nos adelantan en un viaje, que haremos todos.El espiritu no muere, solo cambia el envase. cariños, Graciela

  3. What a lovely alter for your beautiful son and Mami.
