
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

french enamelware teapot i eccentrically purchased from england. isn't this shade of blue just gorgeous?  and look at the little birdy admiring his surroundings. i fell instantly in love with this teapot and just had to have it.  well you see, aqua or calypso or turquoise is my favorite color. no cup to go with it though.  i'll have to look for an aqua enamel cup although i don't care much for drinking out or eating off enamel.  i like my tea in bone china or japanese pottery.  i don't even enjoy it out of ceramic cups; it just doesn't taste the same.
so here i am again at teacup tuesday since   i wanted to share, ok maybe brag a little too.  i so look forward to these tuesdays where i have found some lovely new friends and followers. so i'll hop over and also post on the etsy cottage style blog linky  since they are having a vintage alphabet party and the letters are s, t & u.

today i have a wellness doctors' appointment.  just want to make sure everything is "balanced" in my insides.  i never, ever go to the doctor but my friend richard insists yearly checkups are a must.

two little twists to our teacup soirees: person i'd most enjoy teaing with: Audrey Hepburn
there will never be another like her, ever.  no one comes even close really.
last and mostest
this beautiful quote i received from my friend veronica who just returned from a two week trip to china

God Bless the WHOLE world, no exceptions!


  1. no exceptions LOL! :) God loves that you said that!
    Please tell me about the little pink leather shoes? :)

  2. Divina ésa teapot!!! Tiene un "María Cecilia Look", no? Preciosa para usar como florero!!!

  3. Lovely teapot! And yes, a gorgeous shade of blue. :-)


  4. What a pretty teapot! and, what beautiful quote.
    So glad you joined us for the Alphabet Party! Hope you pop in my blog for a visit.

  5. Que joya!. Quiero una..... :-)

  6. Your enamelware teapot is beautiful. I love that blue color and the painting.

  7. What a beautiful blog. It's stunning. The pretty blue tea pot with the birds hand painted is an exceptional piece. Thank you so much for the kind comment on my post. And for stopping by the high street cottage, tami

  8. I really, really, really like that enamelware teapot. Like you, I don't like to drink or eat from enamelware, but I do like it.I don't like to eat or drink from plastic either.

    I hope the wellness doctor pronounces you "WELL".

    You are very right about Audrey Hepburn.

  9. Hi: I am so glad you are part of Tea Cup Tuesday. I love your enamel tea pot. I am with you, I would not use them, but they are beautiful to look at. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  10. A mí también me ha recordado a los enlozados de María Cecilia,es una preciosidad con ese color azul y ese pajarito entre las flores
    Visitarte es un placer
    Un Beso

  11. es que maria cecilia es la que me enseno a apreciar estas maravillas!
