
Saturday, September 18, 2010

saturday, a time for going to trader joe's to pick up the weekly groceries, a bit of cleanup around the house, laundry and time to enjoy the afternoon.  i always try to treat myself to something when i grocery shop, a sort of prize giving for a chore that is becoming less and less attractive as the years go by. trader joe's and whole foods always have that little something different to make it worth while and three of my favorite things ended up in the shopping basket today: pink roses, lemonade and raspberries. i am now almost settled in, having decided to keep my place after all and not introduce any changes into my life after the instability of eight months abroad. i must avoid the emotional roller coaster. i just want to be stable and protect what may seem to others as "my make believe world".  it suits me just fine for the moment.

we are so lucky with the weather here, still warm days and balmy evenings before the much dreaded daylight savings time switches coming up.  i love spring and summer because the light is with us longer and our days seem more filled with visual delights.  hybernation is not for me: i'm a doer and i have to delve into as many things as i can. so many plans in the back of my head now that i feel stronger to work on my online shop, bring back more antiques from chile when i go in november and maybe try my hand at the larger and bigger antiques i found there with my friend maria cecilia.  i miss her so much already.  i have many solid friends, but it is the first time in my life that i have found a soul sister.  and that's an understatement, we think, dress, drive, buy, decorate, relate to others in the same way.  we even have the same nasty habit, something that doesn't quite fit with our love for nature and natural beauty, but we are both fidgety and with high interior energy although we are calm on the outside. i wonder what she's up to all the time, especially today that chile is celebrating it's bicentennial.  besitos y abrazos chichi junto a tu vasito de chicha.

and all the while my loyal panda 'gilbert" observes me with his pensive look.
isn't he the dandiest?


  1. me has hecho llorar...

    aquí en la cocina a las 01:40, sola en la casa, de regreso del cerro, más arriba de mi casa, en la casa de una amiga celebrando el 18 en su fonda "los rebeldes sin causa".. bailamos entre amigas muchísimo, fumamos de todo, la luna casi llena, el fuego, la amistad entre mujeres, la solidaridad, las penas y rabias y sobre todo mucha risa y baile!!!
    te envié un mail en respueesta al tuyo... te llegó, lo leiste??.... soy yo la que està ahora "con todo revuelto".... sos..
    te extraño

  2. no me llego! lo he buscado y buscado pero no en mi inbox. te voy a llamar.

  3. Entendí mal o volvés en Noviembre a Chile? María Ceci se va a poner contenta!

  4. si, tengo que viajar en noviembre a terminar todos los papeleos de la herencia de mi mami. ha sido un ano muy muy heavy. cuidarla, perderla, y luego desmantelar su casa, ir viendose su esencia llendo, desapareciendo en su lugar. pero de a poquito sanando. gracias por acordarte. si, la chichi y yo ya somos bff.
