
Monday, September 20, 2010


....and sunday.  more clearing out, more going back to basics and the reaffirmation that "the true things in life ARE free".  free as in my friendship with my daughter, tatiana, whom i spent the afternoon with walking on the beach in malibu, exchanging stories on how we each see the world.  in spite of her youth, she is such a sage.  we both love to hike and i hadn't taken a decent walk since my hikes in chile so we made a date after she got off work to DO IT.  how we sometimes take for granted that we live only ten minutes away from the beach.  we should spend at least a day a week there.  apart from the exercise, the beauty of the sounds of the crunching sand underneath, the salty breeze from the pacific, and the spectacle of all those dogs enjoying themselves a plenty.  it was short, too short, but we caught the sunset on the way home and stopped for fish and chips at neptune's net, a dive that has been in malibu forever. the taste of seafood lingered and today i cooked myself some chilean langostinos for lunch, such an under-rated seafood the langostino.  the italians use it well in their seafood canneloni, one my favorites. 

Oh God how I LOVE YOU!
and now back to work on my etsy store which has been replenished.  please stop by to comment or browse, maybe you'll find something you like. no strings attached.


  1. justo aquí a mi lado reverbera el eco de tu amor a Dios... lo escucho plenamente y también sintonizo con Ello!!!!!

  2. You're so lucky to live near the beach! My daughter goes back to university this week and I'm going to miss her. Now she's older and out of the teenage years, we have a lovely relationship again.

    The painting is utterly beautiful. Off to check out the artist now.

  3. How precious, a day with your daughter. Never , ever to be under-valued!

    I love the photo of the seagull and the sea foam.

    "..more clearing out, more going back to basics and the reaffirmation that "the true things in life are free", yes!

  4. querida connie!!te imagino en esa hermosa caminata en hermosa comunion con tu hija y la naturaleza!!! y a solo 10 minutos!!!qué fortuna!!!!!!!miles de besos y son hermosas las fotos!!!!!!!chau connie!!
