
Thursday, September 23, 2010


making someone happy yields the best return, for me anyway. 
and i've wanted to do a blog giveaway forever and a day!  and the day has arrived.  i travelled up the coast, all the way up to santa barbara, to gather the goods i thought might make a good giveaway, with a little added something made by me, a set of altered art gift tag originals.  everything pictured is part of the giveaway. and since i am in the process of cleaning out my art supplies and closets, many new things will be added in the next few days.

i have watched you all be so generous of heart throughout this year, ironically called the year of the tiger in the chinese calender.  it sure has felt like it, an angry, vengeful tiger wreaking havoc around the world.  so, for all of us who protect what we have, our home sweet homes and all the hopes that are born of them, here are a few of my favorite things found to add to that comfort.

spread the word since the drawing will be sunday.  i like to blog regularly so a few days should be enough. i might even make this a monthly habit.



  1. estamos posteando al mismo tiempo!!!!!!

  2. Hartas cositas tan lindas, en especial tus tags!!!! Voy inmediatamente a editar mi entrada para postear tu giveaway... mi querida Connie!!!!
    besos y mas besos!!!!!
    ... me dejaste pensando con eso del año del tigre... plop!!!

  3. Well I see you are back, safe and sound. It's been forever, hasn't it! I'm very busy getting my shop together here, so I haven't been blogging or visiting much. I'll catch up with you soon, and remember I would love to have something from you in the shop.
    You can see just a few of the items in our inventory here. Let me know what you think.

  4. Hola Connie!!!!
    Es una hermosa oportunidad de contar con tan hermosos regalos...
    la ilusión no la pierdo...
    Llevo el dato a la barra lateral de mi blog...
    Un abrazo!!!

  5. Oh yes I would love to be included in your giveaway, everything is so beautiful!
    Thanks for the opportunity to own some of your art!
    Tina xo

  6. I would love to throw my hat in the ring.This is a lovely blog.

  7. Hola Constanza!
    Soy La Chusma..te acuerdas de mi? Claro que me gustaria tener la oportunidad a ganar esas lindas cosas! Me encanta tu blog...siempre siento una calma al leerla! Te Cuidas mucho!!


  8. Oh MY! What a generous and lovely giveaway! So many great things. Count me in!

  9. I'm SO pleased to have found you again Connie.... I do hope you are well and happy.
    What beautiful shoes.... would they fit me?!!
    Lovely picture of your dear mother on your blog xx

  10. hola que bellezas me encantaria participar siempre hermoso lo de tus entradas saluditos

  11. Wonderful to find your blog ! Thanks for the convo ! I also checked out your shop on Etsy and favorited some things !! I need to have a giveaway on my blog also ! You may have inspired me to just do it ! Have a wonderful & blessed day !
    The Little Things

  12. Hi: I love everything you are giving away. I can't pick what I like best. Thank you so much for being so genious to us. Blessings,Martha

  13. Conni! Vengo del blog de Cecilia a visitarte! Me apunto a este sorteo maravilloso y me llevo el dato a la barra lateral de mi blog :)

  14. Great and generous idea!! Thanks for being so thoughtful and I have my fingers crossed!!

  15. Oh how lovely! I would love to be included! Cheers!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  16. I must thank you for sending me an email about this giveaway. Not only am I happy to be have a chance to win these wonderful gifts, but I love your blog. I have become a follower ~ I like many of the things you have on your sidebar and I like your thoughts on life and such.
    Your etsy shop is really nice ~ many fun and interesting items there!! I must shop one day.
    ♥ audrey

  17. Wow, what a fabulous giveaway. I love all the pretty things and your handmade gift tags are great.

    Please include me in your drawing on Sunday - thanks.

  18. Gracias Connie por el ofrecimiento en ebay!!! Me tinca mucho pero no entiendo nada...
    quiero escribirte un mail.. pero los que te he mandado no te han llegado (??)
    mándame tu uno a: y yo te respondo, ya?
    abrazos miles desde esta hermosa primavera!!!

  19. Hola Connie con tu permiso me anoto al sorteo, siempre me ha gustado como vas por la vida y de la manera tan espiritual que caminas por este mundo, cariños para ti.

  20. at the last moment i also signed up who left comments on flickr
    constance 2009emmaziva,enchanticals, and warako so it would be more fun
