
Thursday, August 19, 2010

my great grandfather, tata alfredo,was an antiquarian in the style of the old curiosity shop. my other great-grandfather, tata enrique, was a philatelist. so you know where i get my genes from. i must have inherited their genes because antiques are my passion and i have actually begun to distinguish them, call them by name and every day learn more and more about their origins.  and although i have set up shop, i always tend to keep the things i set out to sell as a modern-day antiques peddler.  beauty is hard to part with.  so this enamelware will be very very hard to let go of when the time comes to list, especially since it so rare in this color and with the roses.  blessing or curse?  BLESSING by all means.  what do u think of my little antique dolly?  her body is all made of wood.

must run now 'cause "Dolly" is tired from all the posing and needs to take a siesta.  i'll tell you all about the dreams she whispered.


  1. OMG!!! BOTH, the enamelware set and the doll are just 2DIE4!!!! I know exactly what you mean, sometimes is very hard to let them go!
    Pero no podemos quedarnos con todo!!!

  2. That is just beautiful, do you have an Etsy shop you list in?
    I love old things too, especially when they have lovely old designs.
    Have a great day....Tina xo

  3. I do tina, but this will be listed in September on e-Bay when I return to the US. I don't think I can get what I want for it on Etsy. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the wonderful comments.

  4. Dolly se ve maravillosa en la cunitaaaaa!!! quedó preciosa así vestida con esas "sabanitas" tan bonitas, jajaja!... genial la decoración de la cuna... y me parece ver una mini tacita apoyada en el respaldo??
    El enamelware se ve mucho más lindo ahora, es precioso!!!! de gran tesoro te has hecho... menos mal que estaba esperando!!
    Si tu gusto x lo antiguo viene de tus abuelos, lo mío no sè su procedencia (serè adoptada?)

  5. dolly una belleza,la genética en algun momento aparece lo bueno es que podamos darle una impronta personal , debe ser dificil dejar ir semejantes bellezas saluditos

  6. hola querida connie!!!!acabamos de escuchar la maravillosa noticia de sus mineros que estan bien!!!!queria sentirme un poquito cerca de ustedes porque es una maravillosa manifestacion de fe y de esperanza que te cala el alma!!!!todo mi corazon para vos y todos los chilenos !!!besos enormes!!!!!!!

  7. I stopped by to say hello, and was so pleased to see the antique doll and the little crib! I have just begun to start a collection of old dolls. I bought a few doll heads on Etsy to make altered dolls.I'm so excited!! I think I will have a hard time parting with any of them :)

    much love,
