
Thursday, August 5, 2010

it's all revolved around the bedroom me being a little under the weather in more ways than one.  so i have put all my love into making the bedroom as comfortable and inviting as possible as i spend quite a bit of time bedridden this week.  it still continues to be bitter cold outside but luckily nice & toasty inside.  the
greatest gift of the day Dr. Zhxivago on the telly.paty & pathty & cecilia & anita & tanya have all come to visit over tea and biscuits talking alot about the things that are troubling us, the things that turn us on, giving each other the moral support to overcome. it seems like we are all going through something or other.  tanya has taught me some breathing techniques to take the edge over the anxiety that still bewilders me over the endless paperwork over mom's estate and my having to practice patience above all, praying that all will come to a fair conclusion SOON.

other hopes and faiths revolve around our common love of antiques


  1. tantas cositas lindas que alegran la vida... si ves belleza afuera... entonces està en tu interior!!!! Què linda colcha y fundas...!!!!
    abrazos y hasta mañana a cachurear!
    maria cecilia

  2. Cuando nos rodeamos de las cosas y la gente que nos gusta, las cosas se hacen más fácil, o así parece...por lo menos! Espero que el panorama se aclare pronto! Un cariño grande!

  3. La vida es de dulce y de grasa, muchas veces hay que tener paciencia y pedir una manito al señor de los cielos para que nos ayude.
    Que lindos bordados y esa rosa estampada me encantó, cariños.

  4. lo mas lindo en la vida es la hermandad de las almas
