
Sunday, July 4, 2010

2 rays of happiness

just a quick post to share how happy i am with this photograph from a customer in the states who emailed me what one of my sold items looks like on her window. i was so worried the package woldn't arrive from chile and although it took several weeks it arrived safely.

i m now almost finished with another much larger robin's egg blue kitchen curtain set and valance that another customer ordered from.  it has been the largest crochet piece i have ever knitted. i'll post pictures of it once it's finished.

and this may not touch you as much as it touched me but tears came to my eyes when i came back to see a plant on the balcony that had completely, or so i thought, died during the fire that ocurred two months ago in the building, coming back to life.  A TRUE SURVIVOR!  i also noticed that the bouganvillea which also suffered is beginning to sprout in the middle of winter.  that's what i call a will to live.


  1. Cony, què emociòn ver una de tus cortinas en esa ventana, y todo tan lindo, perfecto lugar para lucirla!!! Yo estarìa feliz con un rincòn así.....
    maria cecilia

  2. Hola !!!! tancerca estuvimos de vernos, pero es la vida !! qué beuno ver Buenos Aires con los ojos de otra gente, me encanta. Espero que la hayas pasado bien, besos

  3. That is so beautiful and what a gorgeous woodland path just outside the door.

  4. I love to crochet also and I would love to see the finished curtain you are working on! I can imagine it will be gorgeous!
    Tina xo
