
Thursday, July 29, 2010

i begin today with an altar. 
after reading ONE WILD SWAN  's comments on my blog yesterday, i was humbled when i stumbled upon one of her previous posts and related comments on how powerless we are unless we put ourelves in HIS presence constantly and submit to HIS WAYS for us.  having found a gorgeous print of the virgin and child on my last flea market adventure with cecilia and maria jose, i realized how easy it is to distance ourselves from GOD and how much more i, and all of us, need to pray. pray daily, even several times a day, and recall that powerlessness.  only in that way can we truly be humble and content with each and every gift HE gives us. it also made me remember the blessing before meals which really applies to all his bounty:
Bless us, O Lord! and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, Amen.  Yes, HIS BOUNTY, not our selfish idealizations, reality as it is, frailty as it is, disappointment as a lesson that we are seeking in all the wrong places, insatiable beings.

yet on another note, and speaking of his bounties, we are alive and must maintain ourselves entertained.  so, we play.  what is is life but a great big playground?and how do i play?  i surround myself with beauty.  on that same outing with cecilia and jose i found these bounties which i promised yesterday to share with you.

laura ashley floral lighted garland ( i don't want to unpack it until i get home).

and a tiny salt shaker with roses ofcourse

and the old photograph to remind us that life has always been and ever will be

and ofcourse more of those vintage linens, i have a trunkfull already, sinner that i am


  1. I am so happy that what was written in my post that day touched your heart. It is a hard thing to do to let God lead the way, like all children we want to be independent but God sees what we cannot and so His guidance is so important if we but listen. I am one of His "stubborn" children and He has to shout in my ear most of time, but I am learning!
    I love the wonderful things you find on your trips! You have a wonderful eye for vintage treasures!
    Thanks for reading my blog and commenting.....
    Your friend Tina xo

  2. ... postrada a los Pies de lo Divino, de lo Alto y Puro, del Amor y la Bondad... aquì por siempre estoy en oración y gratitud, oh! Bendita Gracia que has derramado sobre mí, tu hija impura e imperfecta, la canción que por Ti escucho...

  3. me encanta ,gracias,muy bella entrada

  4. Hola Connie me gusta la manera tan espiritual que tienes para ver la vida y como disfrutas de ella, te llevo a mi blog, un beso.

  5. Amiga!!!! por favor discúlpameeeeeee
