
Thursday, July 8, 2010

almost six months in chile now.  a true and challenging experience to say the least and a growing one.  behind i have left my family and home, my plants and environs which ever grieve me. my son has found new love with brianne and my daughter, who i consider my best friend, continues her own quest for happiness.

 i have missed hikes and sunday morning breakfast, pit stops to the mexican restaurant where we often sit down for an hour or two just to chat and giggle, i have missed out on their stories, their languange, their music, their ups and downs, their love. 

tatiana, jon & brianne

now my dilemma.  having fallen in love with chile once again and surrounded by the most wonderful group of friends, i debate.  should i or shouldn't i return?  if i stay i will be missing out on so much more of their futures.  i return i will confined to my square footage and an empty nest syndrome that is becoming increasingly less healthy.  what a difficult decision.


  1. Difficult, really??? By the way you wrote, seems no difficult at all...have a good trip back!!!

  2. cosiiiiitas mas exquisiiiiitas!!!!
