
Thursday, January 28, 2010


Yesterday Mummy didn't feel so good. She slept
most of the day and had nausea, her hands and
legs were swollen and overall it was a bad day for
her recoverywise. However, today she awakes
feeling great, I gave her a shower, washed her hair
put cologne on her and she is ready to watch the

Australian Open finals. I guess illnesses have their
ups and downs. It's just that I so want her to get better. She has yet to wait for great grandchildren and take a few more trips to her favorite summer house in Isla Negra, eat oysterson the half shell and dictate all the anecdotes she has accumulated.
Mamita linda recuperate pronto para que podamos contarnos mas secretos entretenidos.
Besitos mil, tu hija que te adora.

1 comment:

  1. queridísima constanza!!! qué hermoso leer todo el amor que hay en sus vidas!!! a veces cuando uno esta un poco triste es muy bueno sacarlo afuera y poder transformar un poco el día a día en esos recuerdos e historias de vida tan bien vividas!!!deseo que tu mamá se recupere y que no haya sufrimiento en su vida emociona mucho que nos cuentes sobre tu amor hacia ella!!te mando millones de besoss y te acompaño con mi corazón!!!!besos a las dos!!!!!!!!!!
