
Friday, December 11, 2009


Land in Maitencillo I have my eye on (7 hectareas de hermosura)

Como resumir un mes tan lleno y pleno de emociones? How do I begin to weave the story of my month in Chile? TODO me hablo, everything spoke to me and I wish I had had another month to spare after all the re-encounters to just take it all in, rent a house on the beach and just relax and enjoy. Every single day was filled to the brim, up the coast, down south, ferried across the Canal de Achao to Chiloe, back to Puerto Varas and then again to the coast, Papudo, Zapallar, Con Con, Vina and Valparaiso with Pisco Sours and Caipirinhas at every stop, fried Conger and Pailas Marinas for lunch. The truth is we were up until 3-4 in the morning literally every day, barely got any sleep and what sleep I got was restless for more. I didn't want to come home, not yet anyway. On the plane home I fell in LOVE, platonically that is, with Jack White of the White Stripes and The Raconteurs. I had so many unfinished businesses, so many friends I didn't get to see. It would be easy to catch up but Chile is sooooooo far away, I only get to go every two to three years. If only it were as close as Mexico.

I know I will be able to tell a story after the sensations have decanted. I have bags filled with bits and pieces, seashells from Zapallar, paper receipts and the memory of have linked up with a long lost high school friend who lives in Colorado who gave me this as we sat down to eat at Liguria.


  1. querida constanza!! muy feliz vuelta!!!!!!!!cómo cuesta volver!!!!qué hermosura de fotos!!!!y tu quedo con ganas de saber más!!!esas hectareas en ese lugar soñado...son una verdadera tentación!!!!!cada vivencia,cada momento,cada receta que prepares,cada lugarcito que recuerdes, los vas a llevar en tu corazón hasta el día que puedas volver!!!!te extrañamos un poquito!!!!!!!yo en este momento estoy en mis vacaciones en san martín de los andes y también muuuy felíz!!!!!te mando millones de besosssssssss y ya sé lo inspirada que has llegado y ya sé cuánto nos vas a sorprender con tus maravillas!!!besos gigantes!!!

  2. Hola !!! y hola a Ale también que parece sigue en línea. Qué lindas tus fotos me has hecho volver 18 años atrás cuando estuve en Chile, que me encantó tanto como su gente.
    Bienvenida, qué bueno volver a ver tus cosas tan creativas. Beso grande
