
Sunday, August 23, 2009


i think i'm almost done putting everything in its place, closeting clothes, xmas decorations in storage bin, all art supplies together and semi-sorted so i can begin to live again.

one of the fun things has been looking through old photo albums i hadn't looked at in years and finding some pretty amazing photographs. one night i sat up until 3 a.m looking through the three Baby Books and flashing back to their childhoods.

the hardest part of the move was transporting my 1000 plus books. although i sacrificed some, i just cannot bear to be without my books. they are my greatest joy and company. i cannot imagine a room without books. i had to use my china hutch as bookshelves since i just didn't have any built in in the new townhouse. they are so tight, it's hard to even take one out of its place.

at this point just about every nook and cranny is filled to the rim.

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