Thursday, December 17, 2009

Message to Myself

image courtesy of A Silver Garden on Etsy

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I must write in my language

Despues de una semana sintiendome totalmente descolocada y con multiples crisis familiares, me refiero a mi mami que esta super fragil de salud en chile, mi hijo pasando por mal de amores y yo, viendo para donde va mi vida, siento una urgencia. se me atragantan las palabras, siento un nudo en el estomago por no se que y todo parece vago mientras vagabundeo por mi casa queriendo como empezar de nuevo, huir corriendo, deshacerme de todo y tener solo una mochilita al hombro como los hobos de antano. Horrible cambio, horrible contraste con una serenidad que senti hace no tan poco. Prueba nuevamente que todo es efimero, que la vida esta en constante movimiento hacia adelante a pesar del vaiven de la memoria.

Cosa Buena, me he puesto en campana de PURGARME. Purgarme de cuanta cosa obstaculiza mi vistay me confunde. Me refiero nuevamente a las pilas de cosas que acumulo en un afan por crear mas que es totalmente innecesario. Me estare conviertiendo en Zen? Me habre tomado en serio lo del Feng Shui?. Todo apunta a un minimalismo: comer bien (hoy me prepare un yogurt griego con granola y miel-un paso inspirado por mi hermano que parece tener las cosas un poco mas claras que yo en estos momentos). Me repito pero no cumplo el imperante deber de pasar MUCHO pero MUCHO mas tiempo en la Naturaleza, mirando, escuchando, tocando lo que es verdaderamente importante.

Que tiempo que no escribia asi, como vomitandolo todo, una terapia auto-impuesta por un llamado a la calma y la salud mental.

Por supuesto que estoy en crisis, hay Guerra en mi interior, se me escapan ciertos seres, se me acercan otros, estoy ABIERTA, a la espera. Cosa buena digo porque se a ciencia cierta que asi uno sigue creciendo y aprendiendo y es capaz de ayudar a otros que posiblemente encuentre en el camino. Dificil vida esta a veces en que todo se descompagina y hay que empezar de a poco a reconstruir el puzzle, encontrar la pieza que faltaba.

Monday, December 14, 2009

the first thing i saw as i stepped out of my door after three solid days of rain
i think i'll use her for the {surprise} challenge after i play with her a little, isn't she beautiful?

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Se me pego la Revolucion y eso que no estuve ni cerca de Cuba

Friday, December 11, 2009

what welcomes me home? rainy days and to-be-insideness. at last i get to wear my tights like in england
and turn on the lights in every room
feeling warm and safe as i look out my windows
at the threatening skies.

i am gradually settling in, have unpacked bags and baskets and am ready to invernate surrounded by my yarns and linens. so many ideas i bring back with me.


Land in Maitencillo I have my eye on (7 hectareas de hermosura)

Como resumir un mes tan lleno y pleno de emociones? How do I begin to weave the story of my month in Chile? TODO me hablo, everything spoke to me and I wish I had had another month to spare after all the re-encounters to just take it all in, rent a house on the beach and just relax and enjoy. Every single day was filled to the brim, up the coast, down south, ferried across the Canal de Achao to Chiloe, back to Puerto Varas and then again to the coast, Papudo, Zapallar, Con Con, Vina and Valparaiso with Pisco Sours and Caipirinhas at every stop, fried Conger and Pailas Marinas for lunch. The truth is we were up until 3-4 in the morning literally every day, barely got any sleep and what sleep I got was restless for more. I didn't want to come home, not yet anyway. On the plane home I fell in LOVE, platonically that is, with Jack White of the White Stripes and The Raconteurs. I had so many unfinished businesses, so many friends I didn't get to see. It would be easy to catch up but Chile is sooooooo far away, I only get to go every two to three years. If only it were as close as Mexico.

I know I will be able to tell a story after the sensations have decanted. I have bags filled with bits and pieces, seashells from Zapallar, paper receipts and the memory of have linked up with a long lost high school friend who lives in Colorado who gave me this as we sat down to eat at Liguria.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Created for {Echo} Group Week Second Challenge Decorating

Chrysti and Susan challenged us to play with our photographic images. I am bad at referring back to blogs in HTML form but both Susan's blog and Chrysti's are on my list of must reads every single day so easily found if you scroll down to my links. Both are very well known, published multi-media artists. I had the blessing to meet both of them during an art retreat two years ago and can avow both to their talents as to their inner beauty.

The challenge is part of {ECHO} and I participated in Week 2 which has to do with decorating, my interpretation of course, given the photos I have taken recently.

how did i do?

Monday, November 2, 2009

los nervios me comen....poquitos dias ya para mi viaje y tanto por hacer aun. pero me carga ir de compras y lo he postergado hasta el final. regalitos para los amigos y familia y cosas indispensables para mi entretencion alla (nunca viajo sin mis lanas y revistas para inspiracion).

mientras tanto visitando amigos por aca, ayer pasando toda la tarde con veronica, conversando y tratando de arreglar el mundo mientras tomabamos tecito y un quequito de zanahoria que ella cocino. rico, esos son los momentos que adoro.

y tambien un poco de entretencion con mis papelitos.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

photo courtesy of Stash Studios on Flick (isn't this amazing?)

Spooks- by Sandra Liatsos

There's a goblin at my window,
A monster by my door. The pumpkin at my table
Keeps on smiling more and more.There's a ghost who haunts my bedroom, A witch whose face is green. They used to be my family, Till they dressed for Halloween

Friday, October 30, 2009

Bohemian Rhapsody
Bohemian Rhapsody by ηoєℓℓє on

For Writergirl03
For Writergirl03 by ♥☊†ï¢Ƙ•†☮cκ•Cαѕєÿ♥’sKҿѕɧa☊♥ on

Fabric Art Inspirations

my digital creation
Diane Marra

the kathryn wheel & julie arkell

mary freeman

it's not all about me. there are days when i just reflect, observe, and admire, many times finding jaw dropping imaginings